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建筑专业翻译高分!每段十 30分共计约200分可追加

14-15板岩 Slate是可利用的在12到26英寸的6到16英寸和长度的宽度。不是所有的大小是可用的,并且检查制造商的当前存货也许是必要的。基本的颜色是深蓝色的,灰色,并且green.slate也许被购买的光滑或质感粗糙。如果使用,状态木瓦由要求的数额通常定价报道正方形制造商的建议使用的曝光。 如果曝光是与制造商的不同,也许使用惯例14-2和14-3 (第14-17部分)。对对于屋顶区域是必需的正方形,增加每只长度的脚1 S.F.臀部和椽木的。提名thicjnesses,并且对应的重量在表14-11显示,假设3英寸膝部。每片木瓦紧固与二大头、soid铜钉子, 1 1/4或1 1/2英寸长。毛毡需要在板岩木瓦之下必须也是在估计的inculde。 板岩木瓦的废物根据不规则性的形状、交叉点的数字和数字屋顶的变化从8%到20%。

14-16瓦片 为瓦用于的The材料是水泥、金属和黏土。要估计需要的数量,屋顶区域在方式被描述的eariler得到。必须carafully离开数量或者线性英尺长度对于土坎和形状是必需的,所有特别片断,臀部、熟悉内情的起始者和所有其他特别片断。如果毛毡使用在瓦片之下,它的费用在工作的估计必须也是包括,并且必须为某些应用安装furring的小条。 As不熟悉的intallations升起,估计物也许告诉制造者、representaive的制造者的或者一位地方经销商。或许这些人能回顾与估计物的项目,并且帮助他们到达物质起飞和甚而建议与经验的一位地方转承包商在安装瓦片。 14-17板料、瓦片和木瓦 To确定板料,瓦片的数量,或者也许使用要求的木瓦报道正方形(100 S.F.)所有必需的膝部或缝的屋顶区域,以下惯例。


建筑专业翻译高分!每段十 20分共计约200分追加第二段

Corrugated sheets may be made of aluminium, galvanized steel, and various combinations of materials such as zinc-coated steel. They are available in various sizes, thicknesses, and corrugation shapes and sizes, in a wide range of finishes. Common steel of from 12 to 29 are available with lengths of 5 to 12 feet and widths of 22 to 36 inches. Aluminium thicknesses of 0.024, 0.032, 0.040, and 0.050 inches are most commonly found, with sheet sizes in widths of 35 and 48 1/3 inches and lengths of 3 through 30 feet. 瓦铁板由铝,镀锌铁和其他许多材料如镀锌铁(重复了这里)制作而成。大小,厚度和皱纹的形状各异。普通的一般为12到29,长5到12尺,宽22到36英寸。铝的厚度常见的有0.024, 0.032,0.040, and 0.050英寸,一般的大小是35和48 1/3英寸宽,长3到30尺。Estimate the corrugated sheets by the type of fastening required. Corrugated sheets require that corrugated closures seal them at the ends. the enclosures may be metal or rubber and are estimated by the linear foot. 根据固定的装置去估计需要多少瓦铁。

要把瓦铁的末端用金属或橡胶根据末端的长度封好。The amount of end and side lap must also be considered when estimating the quantities involved. Because of the variety of allowances, it is not possible to include them here. Given the information, the supplier or manufacturer's representative will supply the required information. Fasteners should be no corrosive and may consist of self-taping screws, weldable studs, cleats, and clips. The specifications and manufacturers' recommendations should be checked to determine spacing and any other special requirements; only then can the number of fasteners be estimated. Flashing and required trim should be estimated by the linear foot.估算所需数量是必须也要把末端和侧边考虑进去。由于不同的要求,这里不可能一一详叙。必须提的是,供应商或制造商代表会提供一定信息。 固定的装置不能有腐蚀性的物质,一般自带螺钉,可焊接的螺钉,防滑拴和夹子。

规格和制造商的推荐一定要经过检查,是否合适或者其他特别的要求,然后才能估计固定装置的数量。 闪光和装饰要根据末端去估量。


by transformation we mean those operations performed on the elements of a given existent code which depart from the original, normal, or canonical usage of the code, by distorting, regrouping, reassembling, or in general altering it in such a way that it maintains its references to the original while tending to produce a new meaning.我们的意图是,通过转换,即针对给定的现有代码的各个单元的操作,从最初的、正常的或规范的代码用法开始,通过变形、重组、重装或一般性的修改等方式,使其在趋向于产生新的含义的同时又保持对其本意的援引。...


The graduation project for a municipal road reconstruction project construction organization design. The project for the municipal road reconstruction project is divided into road works, pipe network engineering, migration and greening works in three parts. The design of quantities rational design based on the engineering staffing arrangements for machinery and equipment, construction methods, construction technology and construction schedule in order to ensure that the projects be completed on time and by volume. The innovation of this design lies in the different situations and different construction conditions, establish the corresponding construction programs to ensure the successful completion of projects.The introduction of water construction operations, while also considering the construction requirements as well as the minimum number of teams face requirements, making maximum use of resources. Through this graduation project, I have a construction organization designed to further understanding of, and for these years to learn the basic concepts of expertise and gained a deeper understanding, thereby enhancing the analysis and to solve practical problems. Involved in this industry for the future has laid a solid foundation.


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