

04月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[商务英语信函英文]范文1:信用证付款的写作 Norseman Vehicle Building Ltd. 12 Nobel Street Stockholm, Sweden Dear Sirs: We spoke to your representative, Mr. Bergman, at the internati...+阅读


Content is as follows:

To whom it may concern:

October 1 that letter, ask us your electric drill cost, insurance and freight price of Sydney. This reply, we are now offer 1800 sets of electric drill, each box $4.20 price CIF Sydney, not later than October 30, 2009 shipment. Payment is to be irrevocable documentary usance l/c. This offer is subject to your reply




wpztxzlrqf3431324437询盘(inquiry)也i叫询价,是指交易的一f方0准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方4询问买卖该商品的有关交易条件。询盘函的内3容可涉及w:价格、规格、品质、数量、包装、装运以8及u索取样品等,而多数只是询问价格。所以4,业务上u常把询盘称作询价。询盘不x是每笔交易必经的程序,如交易双8方8彼此都了m解情况,不o需要向对方1探询成交条件或交易的可能性,则不o必使用询盘,可直接向对方7发盘。询盘可采用口d头或书4面形式 交易的一s方5为4了w销售或购买一t批商品,向对方5提出有关的交易条件,并表示1愿按这些条件达成一w笔交易,这种意思表示7的行为8称作发盘。发盘函——虚盘的范文3 Dear Sir or Madam, Your letter of 日3期asking us to offer you the product has received our immediate attention 。

We are pleased to be told that there is a great demand for our products in 某市场。 In 。pliance with your request ,we are making you the following offer subiect to our final confirmation。Our main products are as follows: Commodity: Size: Packing: Price: Payment: We hope the above will be acceptable to you and await with interest your early order。(We hope this offer will be of interest to you, and look forward to hearing from you soon。) Yours faithfully, 本文1来自: 外贸学院() 详细出处参考:





这个客户是要你报天津港口的到岸价 还想要个样品 of no commercial 不知道是不是用邮件形式 如果是邮件样品 发个图片就可以了 如果是实物 就要问清楚地址,数量什么的 说好寄样的详细情况 下面是一个回复的模板 Dear Mr./Ms XX Thanks for your inquiry about XX products by e-mail dd xxxx, 2007! Now we here kindly quote you our best XX price as following: Products name: Specification, weight and size: Packing: Payment: Delivery time: Shipment fee: Quantity: Validity: Others: Pls review the above price and let us know your confirmation in an early date. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 祝你好运!


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英文商业信函格式实例商业信函格式 A correct writing form for business correspondence shows the receivers address at the left, under the level of the date and two lines above the sal...

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