

04月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[苏教版小学语文五年级下的50页所有成语解释]展开全部 风流潇洒:指英俊有才干,气度自然大方。 气宇轩昂:形容人精力充沛,风度不凡。 温文尔雅:形容人态度温和,举动斯文。现有时也指缺乏斗争性,做事不大胆泼辣,没有闯劲。 仪态万...+阅读


1.It _____(have) a head . (it 是三单,用have的三单形式has) 2.Look!The boy ________(stand) on the______(man) shoulders.(考的是现在进行时的标志性词语,用is standing,接着考的是男人的所有格,用man's) 3.Now, listen _______(careful).(listen是动词,要动副搭配,用carefully) 4.Lie on ______(you) back.(考的是你的形容词行物主代词,简称形物代,用your) 5.Let's ______(do) some exercise.(考点是let+动词原形,用do)

牛津小学英语5b Unit6

c2: A:Touch your knees with your hands five times. B:All right. c3: A:Turn left and right seven times. B:All right. c4: A:Lie on your back and lift up your legs eight times. B:All right. d1: The boy is standing on the man's shoulders. d2: The girl is sitting on the woman's knee. d3: The man is putting the plate on his finger. d4: The girl is touching the flowers with her mouth.


Mr. Smith from Australia who now lives in Nanjing, he would like to visit the Museum, but he did not know how to get to that he was asked how Yang Ling

SMITH: Excuse me, can you tell me the History of the way? Yang Ling: Let me see. Uh along this street, turn right at the third intersection. Museum on your left. You can not miss it. Mr. Smith: How far from here go there? Yang Ling: about one kilometer away. Mr. Smith: That road is really long ah. Yang Ling: faster go there, you can take bus No 5. Mr. Smith: A total number of stations? Yang Ling: only two stops. Mr. Smith: bus stand? Yang Ling: at that. Every five minutes there is a bus.

Mr. Smith: I want to go to post office. Where it is? Yang Ling: It Zhongshan road. In the Museum you can sit in front of bus No 9 in the third stop. Mr. Smith: Thank you very much. Yang Ling: You're welcome


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