

04月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[职业生涯规划前言结束语怎么写]这里有3种做法供参考! 做法一 首先要挑选好的花鲢鱼头,听说一个叫鳙鱼的鱼头更好。买时可以抠一下鱼眼,有反应的比较新鲜。回去将鱼头劈成两半,撒盐急腌,大概20-30分钟。之后浇少...+阅读


-Once again I would like to thank you for the opportunity of talking to you on the subject. I hope you will give me your comments and suggestions. That will help me improve my work.

-Thank you for your attention. If there are any points that I didn't make clearly, please point them out and I would like to give further explanations.


Firstly, it is an important step for us students to know well about knowledge. Secondly, it is a neccessary sector to check the teachers' teaching quality and the students' mastery of the knowledge. In a word, to do exercises is all-important. Too many exercises, however, will not necessarily make students advance the results of their study. Therefore, the best way is not only to lighten students burden but also to refine homework for students. Only doing so, we can kill two birds with one stone.


首先,你应该把你论文中涉及到的概念都弄清楚,它们的定义是什么,应该能用英语做简单的讲解。比如,礼貌准则 , 这就是一个概念,老师可能会问,“什么是礼貌准则?”“礼貌准则起什么作用?”等;在这个基础上,把这些概念相联系的方面也准备一下: 比如,礼貌准则与日常交流、礼貌准则与英语教学等。

老师问的问题也是基于你的论文中探讨的东西,你只要对所讨论的题目清楚明了,把这些变成自己的话用自然流畅的英语表达出来,应该是没有问题的。有时候,老师可能提一些这样的问题,比如,“Where do you find this quotation?”"Do you agree with it? and why?"


I cited this from Dr. Samovar and Porter, from their book "Communication between Cultures", in a chapter in which they discuss the possibilities that cause communication breakdown.I find it supportive to my arguments here.

开场白里面简单地说明自己的研究和论文的主题,为什么选择这个项目。简单说几句研究过程和方法。这里一定要给出一个Roadmap, 也就是说明你的论文有几部分,每一部分里面都探讨的什么问题。这一点很重要。

对于自己不清楚的问题,可以看看老师的问题和你的研究是不是有focus 上的差异,这样你可以强调一下这种差异,因不是你的研究重点,你没有过多在意。不会就是不会,可以让老师来回答这个问题。




In business contacts, the business correspondence is not only the medium for communicate, but also a means of establishing friendship and attracting customers. The features and functionality of business correspondence decide that the letter must pay attention to the politeness principle. The success of writing it has an extremely important impact on the business of a company. Thus, in day-to-day business activities, we should noted the application of the politeness principle in the Business English writing in order to promote better co-operation and communication in the future business..


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