[生活英文励志名言]生活中,总有一些励志名言,不断激励着我们 The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved . 生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。 We can live without...+阅读
These women had made life more cause uproar, their death is more soundless and stirless. They are like some stars, falling and rising as intense darkness without light I is not rich enough, not as I would like to love you; I am not poor enough, not as you wish to be loved by you. Let us forget each other -- did you forget a say to you very cool name, I forget a I can't afford a happiness the furthest distance in the world is not life and death, but I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you; the furthest distance in the world is not I stand in front of you yet you don't know I love you, but knowing the love from both yet can not be together; the furthest distance in the world is not knowing that their love, but not together but when plainly can not resist the shares fell in love but can't keep breat. 如果合适的话,麻烦采纳了吧~O(∩_∩)O谢谢
Please understand that life sometimes places cruel constraints upon our hearts, but submit we must. You are good, and you have generous qualities of soul unknown to many women who may despise you but are not to be compared with you. But reflect that mistresses are one thing and the family quite another; that beyond love lie duties; that after the age of passion comes the time when a man who wishes to be respected needs to be securely placed in a responsible station in life.
1.“头脑是狭小的,而他却隐藏着思想,眼睛只是一个小点,他却能环视辽阔的天地。”——《茶花女》 2.“我不够富,不能像我希望的那样爱你;我也不够穷,不能像你希望的那样被你爱。让我们彼此忘却----你是忘却一个对你说来相当冷酷的姓名,我是忘却一种我供养不起的幸福。”——《茶花女》 3.“获取一颗没有被人攻击的经验的心,也就像夺取一座没有守卫的城池一样。”——《茶花女》 4.“这些女人生前考究的生活越是闹得满城风雨,她们死后也就越是无声无息。她们就像某些星辰,陨落时和初升时一样黯淡无光。”——《茶花女》 5.“你想给我制造的痛苦只是你对我爱情的证明。”——《茶花女》 6.“世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死而是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你;世界上最遥远的距离不是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你,而是明明知道彼此相爱却不能够在一起;世界上最遥远的距离不是明明知道彼此相爱却不能够在一起而是明明无法抵挡这股相爱的气息却不能够不继续。
”——《茶花女》 7.“除了你的侮辱是你始终爱我的证据外,我似乎觉得你越是折磨我,等到你知道真相的那一天,我在你眼中也就会显得越加崇高。”——《茶花女》
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