

05月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[礁石艾青阅读答案初一基训]礁 石 艾 青 一个浪,一个浪 无休止地扑过来 每一个浪都在它脚下 被打成碎沫、散开…… 它的脸上和身上 象刀砍过的一样 但它依然站在那里 含着微笑,看着海洋…… 1954,7,25 (选...+阅读


kitchen pond primary parther character were second Amercan unfriendly scientists CACABBABAB A:is A:was B:somewhere C:on B:to travel (were not)(was like)(was she was)(where they weren't)(Adams was very naught at school last year) (one day)(was born)(lots of)(go back)(looking forward to) FABDC ACBACBBACC ACBBC (fans) (He was born on3rd october ,1984 in sichuan province)( what was name) (they think she is very friendly to others)(许多人正期待着更多的新星) 作文没 DEABC were was was are was are was were were is


一 1.pleased 2.free 3. queen's 4. Although 5. famous 6-10. CCAAC 11-15. BCBAC 二 16-20 BCAAC 21-25 DCCAC 26-30 BCABC 三 31-35 BACAB 36-40 DDCAB 四 41-45 CBCBD 五 46. didn't go to bed until 47. He was ill, but he went to the museum with us 48. Although Jane was sick yesterday, she still went to school 49. so that he can learn 50. enjoyed ourselves 六 51. won't be back until 52. all over the world 53. has gone to the library 54. so that I could see better 55. many different kinds of fishes



2. 2) zoo 3) bookstore 4) library 5) cinema 6) post office


2. 1) next to 2) behind 3) Where opposite to


1. hospital How post office hospital next to

2. 1)hospital near 2) library next to 3) on foot

3. 3)→6) →1) →8) →2) →4)


2. 1) turn right 2) turn left 3) go straight 4) Stop 5) Wait

3. north east rainy south hot west snowy plane


2. 1) * 2) * 3) √ 4) * 5) √

3. hospital cinema right straight left on right


2. 1) * 2) √ 3) * 4) √ 5) √ 6) *

3. 1) B 2) C 3) B 4)A


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