

06月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于爱好的英语句子]关于爱好的英语句子 1、Turnip cabbage, all he love. 萝卜白菜,各有所爱。 2、Each heart love, raw onions and leeks. 各人心里爱,生葱拌韭菜。 3、Any kind of interest i...+阅读



Different people have different hobbies ,such as reading and so on.But my hobby is listen to music and sports .

I like music when i 10 years old .I love many kinds of music:such as pop music,rock music and so on.It make me feel relaxing when I listening music.I think music can bring me a lot of fun and happy.As a resultI'm very happy now!As well as listen to music and i like spots,too.I like basketball.And when I finish my homework I like playing basketball with my friends.My hobby makes me happy and relaxing .I


爱好即获得知识的第一步.Love is the first step to obtain knowledge.艺术家一开始总是业余爱好者.Artist started always amateur.学问必须合乎自己的兴趣,方可得益.Accordance with his interest in learning,can benefit from.好的先生不是教书,不是教学生,乃是教学生学.Good sir not teaching,not teach students,but teach students learn.兴趣是最好的老师.Interest is the best teacher.望采纳,谢谢!...


关于感恩老师的句子关于感恩老师的句子 1、老师,您的关怀充满我的学生时代,与您在一起的日子如坐春风,如沐春雨! 2、纵然岁月会重新塑造我们的容颜,我永远是您的孩子,敬爱的吾师! 3、忘不了您和风细雨...

关于老师的唯美句子1、鸟儿遇到风雨,躲进它的巢里;我心上有风雨袭来,总是躲在您的怀里--我的师长,您是我遮雨的伞,挡风的墙,我怎能不感谢您! 2、老师像园丁,桃李满天下;老师像红烛,燃烧自己照亮我们;...

关于爱好的英语书面表达My hobby is surfing the internet. Since the web browsing was introduced at 90s of 20 century, this technology has significantly changed the world and people's l...

关于性格爱好的英语翻译I am a fresh graduate, graduated from a certain school, majored in International Economics and Trade, and good humor most of the time to maintain a pleasant moo...

老师让写秋天的思念关于学校的600字不会写怎么办秋天,这坚硬而明亮的季节是我深深爱着的。 春天总是许多诗人赞扬的季节,折柳送别,踏青,它彷佛是一切新生事物的孕育之际。 的确,相比较秋天的一片萧条,它却是美丽的许多,美丽的世界...


描写老师的英语句子描写老师的英语句子,赞美老师的句子英文的更好但要有翻译:He is a young and handsome teacher.What's more,he is a good and hardworking man.Once he make up his mind to...

赞美英语老师的英语句子或小诗赞美英语老师的英语句子或小诗,有没有赞扬老师的三句半:I'm happy that you're my teacher; I enjoy each lesson you teach. As my role model you inspire me to dream and...

关于描写老师的句子关于描写老师的句子,关于赞美老师的经典句子:您博学多识,像亘古流传的星光大道,引领我们探索科学的密境. (物理老师) 你慷慨激昂,像妙语连珠的散文诗篇,带领我们挖掘灵感领域.(语文老...
