[公司的盈余操纵案例分析]公司的盈余操纵案例分析 盈余操纵尽管不像财务欺诈被法规政策所禁止,但过度、过滥的盈余操纵,其危害性是显而易见的。不仅会削弱国家宏观经济的调控能力,造成经济秩序混乱,影响...+阅读
But currently, our country don't carry on effective norm and manage to the surplus management problem of listed company, therefore, this text passes to our country listed company surplus management of concrete analysis, try completely a motive and method of announcing to public the listed company surplus management, and propose effective solution our country the counterplan of listed company surplus management problem.
The main contents of thesis is as follows:
First part:The surplus manages a related theories research.Carry on definition to the surplus management first;Secondly elaborate that the surplus management studies in the domestic and international theories.
Second part:The method research of surplus management.Make use of a connection the square bargain carry on a surplus management;Make use of an obligation reorganization to carry on a surplus management;Make use of property valuation to carry on a surplus management;Make use of a virtual property to carry on a surplus management;Make use of interest capitalization to carry on a surplus management etc..
Third part:Used for a related theories method case analysis.Mainly passing to proceed from a certain motive to the case chosen will take into the surplus management method for using to take into to predict and counteract fact to take into to prove.Can carry on announcing to public to the surplus management phenomenon of Chinese listed company a series.
Four-part cent:The related policy suggestion that takes charge of to the surplus management.On the comprehensive analytical foundation, this text has aim at sex ground to manage for the company, accountancy the standard norm, stock market take charge of system and registered accountant's audit etc. to put forward me of a series of counterplan suggestion.
As China's market economy development, the issue of earnings management of listed companies a gradual emergence of earnings management research has become a modern accounting theory, one important area of research. The object of earnings management accounting information, accounting information and corporate governance structure is closely related to, the listed company's earnings management behavior directly affects the quality of accounting information, but also affects the development of capital markets. Therefore, analysis of China's Listed Companies Earnings Management and Corporate Governance becomes very necessary. In this paper, through earnings management and corporate governance, the basic outline to explain the status of corporate governance structure,Analysis of Chinese Listed Companies Earnings Management and the relationship between corporate governance structure in terms of the implementation of new accounting standards under the premise of the company's proposed governance structure of some of the recommendations, so that more effective operation of listed companies.
哪位高手给我讲解一下上市公司的盈余管理太多了.不好意思. 一、盈余管理的涵义 盈余管理是目前国外经济学和会计学广泛研究的课题。对盈余管理的概念会计学界存在着诸多不同意见。从以下两个权威性的定义可以看出盈...
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谁知道上市公司要怎么进行盈余管理盈余 一、盈余管理的涵义 盈余管理是目前国外经济学和会计学广泛研究的课题。对盈余管理的概念会计学界存在着诸多不同意见。从以下两个权威性的定义可以看出盈余管理的基本...
上市公司盈余管理的动因有哪些呢额(一)企业管理者自利动因 根据委托代理理论,股东大会是委托人,董事会是股东大会在公司的常驻代表,对公司重大经营活动进行决策;公司经营者是受托人,只对公司非重大日常经营活动进行...
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什么是盈余管理什么是盈余管理,哪位高手给我讲解一下上市公司的盈余管理:盈余管理权威性定义 盈余管理是目前国外经济学和会计学广泛研究的课题。对盈余管理的概念会计学界存在着诸多不同意...
盈余管理和盈余公积的关系盈余管理和盈余公积的关系,盈余管理是为了增加企业的盈余持续性么:展开全部随着我国资本市场的快速发展,上市公司盈余管理存在的问题严重影响了 证券市场的健康发展。盈余管理...