

08月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学对老师的离别赠言]春雨,染绿了世界,而自己却无声地消失在泥土之中。老师,您就是滋润我们心田的春雨,我们将永远感谢您。 老师,您是海洋,我是贝壳,是您给了我斑斓的色彩 …… 我当怎样地感谢您! 踏遍心...+阅读


人生路漫漫,你我相遇又分离。相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长, 惟愿彼此的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。

a long way of life makes us meet and part. the union is ephemeral, but the separation is long. may our hearts be closely together and inseparable for ever.

你的身影是帆,我的目光是河流,多少次想挽留你,终不能够, 我知道人世间难得的是友情,更宝贵的却是自由。

your image is sail and my eyes are river. how many time l want to urge you to stay but i can't.i know the valuable thing is friendship and the more valuable thing is freedom.

别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花;别离的祝福,为再 —次相聚拉开了序幕。

tears upon parting add new waves to the long river of memory; wishes for departure are prelude to another meeting.

别离太久,思念太深,常常失落于无边的期待;冬夜的灯下,过 去的故事,总撩起我无尽的幽思。


The beloved thought that I walk after whether you walk to the thought that my you long for the month, doesn't walk classmate's mutual affection, when you can cry, it won't be.

岁月带得走时间 却带不走我对你的思念

毕业带得走思念 却带不走你我同窗的情谊

I wish that sirs are healthy every day! In all smoothness.


It's missed to accept 1 on the way of a glass of liquor which is deeper and superior, and it's 1 tea deeply about Vietnam missed more which is so: A friend makes it important!

时间飞的越远 思念就越深 思念越深 情谊就越浓

喝一盏茶 饮一杯酒 轻轻的道一声:朋友 珍重!


网上一搜一大堆 不知道你需要什么情况的1.All my good wishes for a pleasant journey! /Hoping you will have a pleasant trip!/I hope you'll have a nice trip!祝你旅途愉快!2.With best wishes for your safe arrival!祝你一路平安!3.All best wishes for a nice voyage! /Will you accept my best wishes for a safe voyage!祝你一帆风顺!4.All good wishes for a safe and delighted voyage!祝你一路平安,旅途愉快!5.Saying “Goodbye” and hoping you know that warm wishes are with you wherever you go!说声“再见”是希望你知道,不论你走向何方,温馨的祝福将永远伴随着你!6.It is the most difficult time when people have to say goodbye.Wish you the happiest journey and we look forward to your return in the near future. 告别是最难受的时刻,祝你旅途愉快,盼望不久的将来你能再回来。7.A warm and harmonious song has accompanied us for three years. 三个春夏秋冬,一支温馨和睦的歌,我们共同吟唱至今,真是一生难得。

8.Distance doesn't mean separation, the longing feeling remains the same no matter how far it is.I'm your friend on the journey of life. 距离并不代表分离,不管相隔多远,想念之心永不改变。在人生的旅途上,我永远是你的朋友。9.Getting together in haste and breaking up in a rush;flowers blooming and withering endlessly;only friendly sentiments remaining in our hearts. 聚也匆匆,散也匆匆,花开花落总无穷,唯有友情藏心中。10.May,wherever you go,the road widen under your feet, the breeze brush off your garment and the people crack for you a broad smile!愿您走到哪里,哪里的道路就在您的脚下变宽,哪里的清风都轻轻吹着您的衣衫,哪里的人们都向您露出笑脸!11.Naked came I into your world, but naked needn't I go out for luggage of missing to you.我一无所有地走进你的世界,但我不可能一无所有地离开,因为对你的思念已经装入了行囊。

12.Patches of white clouds in the blue sky are my slight gloom for our parting,but then my mind broadens like the clear sky at the prospect to re-gathering. 蓝天上的缕缕白云,那是我心头丝丝离别的忧愁,然而我的胸怀和长空一样晴朗,因为我想到了不久的重逢。13.Pick off a leaf of maple and put it in the leaving boat, it'll be a glorious scenery in the autumn after our separation. 今日为你采一片枫叶,放进这离别的小船,别后的秋天里,它将是秋风中最亮丽的一道风景。14.The early spring green grass support our feet when we separate;the early spring flowers hide their smiles when they see our separation. 初春的草儿,托着我们离别的脚;初春的花儿,见到我们的分别也隐藏了笑。


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