

08月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学校园相声《考上大学后》]《考上大学后》 作者:若泉 甲:亲爱的朋友们大家好 乙:大家好 甲:呵呵,来了这么多人那 哈哈 今天是个好日子,心想的事儿都能成 乙:是啊,好日子啊,看 这么多人来给咱俩捧场啊 谢谢您类...+阅读


Dear Ma Lin,

Thank you very much for your letter congratulating me on my graduation from Nanjing University with excellent academic results. My parents are very happy with my good results. They have always placed very high hopes on me and hope that I can further my studies overseas. I have applied for post-graduate studies with three universities in the United States. So far, two universities have already offered me enrolment. So, I will be pursuing my studies in the United States about three months from now. Hope you can offer me more details about life in the States.

Thank you and let's keep in touch.

Your friend,

Wang Wai

September 22, 2006




Congratulations to you !

I am glad to hear that you have performed brilliantly in the College Entrance Examination and successfully got the admission in the enrollment of Sichuan University, where you will be studying your major, English, there.

As far as I am concerned, it is the great efforts which you have made into the preparation of the final exam that results in this excellent achievement. I hope that you will show a better performance in the entirely new surroundings.

Congratulations again!

Sincerely yours,



Dear Mr. Liu, Your academic performance in the courses you completed in Fall 2007 indicates that you have done well, and we are pleased to see that yourGrade Point Average (GPA) in the courses you completed in the Fall 2007 term is in the 3.00 and above range. Congratulations on your performance. I wish you good luck as you continue to strive for excellence in your studies. Sincerely, Prof. M. Catherine Bolton Associate Dean, Student Academic Services Faculty of Arts and Science


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