
跪描写春天的美丽景色的英语作文 100词以上

10月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[描写春天景色的成语]描写春天景色的成语第一部分 春雨如油 春蚓秋蛇 春意阑珊 齿牙春色 春蛙秋蝉 春诵夏弦 春生夏长 春深似海 春山如笑 春笋怒发 春色满园 春树暮云 春色撩人 春葩丽藻 春暖花...+阅读

跪描写春天的美丽景色的英语作文 100词以上 20分钟急!

My favourite season

My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance.There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “We're very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene!

译文: 我最喜欢的季节

我最喜欢的季节是春天。我觉得春天是个可爱的季节。在我家后门有个花园。在春天,树变绿了,花也散发着芳香。有许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞。蝴蝶在跳舞,蜜蜂在歌唱。有时候,中国教育总网文档频道文会下雨,常常都是下得轻轻的。 雨水滋润了树木和花朵。我想他们会说,“我们好渴,这雨水真是及时。”真是一幅美丽的画面!



A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart ...... the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly ......

Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene ......



Autumn in the gloomy depression of the eyes is a symbol of autumn is in the eyes of the farmer's harvest, but in the eyes of love the autumn is a beautiful picture. - Title in mind Spondee have the advent of several autumn, autumn's picture has been lightly started, the fall of the angels came gently, and she get rid of the hot summer, cool autumn wind brought about a refreshing, but also brought about by different colors The gift of new clothes to do all things. Of view, the messenger of autumn came saw her simply pass play, the wind blowing through the breeze. Xiaocaohu were immediately put on new clothes golden, as if the carpet is a great shop to the distance. Welcomed the arrival of autumn messenger. The messenger of autumn light footsteps strode to the field. Well, the corn is full Jingying his white teeth smile envoy welcomed the arrival of Autumn. Look, see the fall of the messenger of sorghum also sorry it! Face up to red. Look fast, look at the rice beautiful new clothes themselves laughed. The messenger came to the orchard in autumn, the persimmon Ilex look put new clothes, red face . Like a red lantern. Look at the pear , like a doll in the tree, so cute. The messenger came to the garden in autumn, finger, chrysanthemum are competing to open up new clothes to wear, colorful, red, yellow, pink, and how beautiful and go through the dance-hyun, the United States and the world dress up more. Autumn, how beautiful the words. You, you find that it comes in around it? 秋在悲观的人眼里是萧条的象征,秋在农夫的眼里是丰收,但在爱秋的人眼里却是一幅优美的画卷。

——题记 纷纷扬扬几场秋雨的降临,秋的画卷也被轻轻展开,秋的使者也轻轻地来了,她赶走了炽热的夏日,唤来凉爽的秋风,带来了清爽,还带来各色的新衣给万物做礼物。 看,秋的使者跋山涉水走来,只见她挥一挥衣袖,微风拂过。小草们立刻换上了金黄的新衣,仿佛是一块巨大的地毯铺向远方。欢迎秋天使者的到来。 秋的使者迈着轻盈的步履来到田野。看,那晶莹饱满的玉米正露出洁白的牙齿微笑着欢迎秋之使者的到来。快看,高粱见到秋的使者还不好意思呢!把脸蛋涨得通红。快瞧,那黄灿灿的稻谷看者自己漂亮的新衣都笑弯了腰。 秋的使者来到果园,看那满树的柿子换上新衣,羞得脸蛋通红。像一个个红灯笼。看那黄澄澄的鸭梨,像一个娃娃在树上,那么可爱。

秋的使者来到庭院,弹弹手指,菊花们穿着新衣竞先开放,姹紫嫣红,红的、黄的、粉的,多么美丽,跳着炫舞,把世界打扮得更美。 秋,多么美丽的字眼。你,发现它降临在你身边了吗?


Be just going to advise sight and sound of spring to live in front of wind, spring in south of the city fragrant grass road. Not having been up to be stranded in the water side flower , done and the upper homeless mud catkin. Already feel star harm people in the mirror, no negative spring spring is conceited. Many worry about the dream Hui people far , flower trials and hardship gets along in the pear.


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