[我惨痛的大学创业失败经历]雷军:我惨痛的大学创业失败经历 不少人想白手起家、空手套狼,在今天的商业社会里这是非常不现实的一件事情。我特别想问:你为什么不能先做能力及资源上的积累后再创业呢?如果你...+阅读
一次失败的经历 “好了,我折好了!”“我也折好了!”,一阵阵笑声,从我们作文班里传出。你猜我们在干什么?嘿嘿!我们正在折纸。 这堂课上,为了丰富我们的作文题材,王老师又想出了一个新点子:让我们折纸。我心想:上次我们折了花篮,这次又该折什么呢?王老师笑眯眯地解释道:“这次我们不折同一样东西,我发给你们图纸,你们自己折。”哦!难度增加了。 我领来一张蝴蝶的图纸和一张米黄色的彩色纸,就和同学一起折了。 一拿到纸,我的手就痒痒了,心想:这没什么的,小意思小意思,谁都会嘛!我信心十足的按图纸上的方法,把三角形开的那一面剪成了两瓣,心里还想着:哈哈,这可真简单。刚做到第二步,我就卡住了——不知道该怎么折?图纸上说要沿虚线折叠,可是,无论怎么样,我都无法折到第三步的基本图形。
我心急如焚,原来开心的笑容已经荡然无存,留下的是紧皱着的眉头。我对自己说:“不要紧,冷静下来,或许会有好办法。” 我静下心来,仔细地看着图纸,用手比划着,可还是搞不懂,我的心越来越急,真想半途而废了。望着图纸上剩余的步骤,心里就想被别人泼了冷水一样难受,觉得自己真没用,连一只小小的蝴蝶都搞不定。再看看其他的同学,都拿着自己的“战利品”在到处炫耀,只剩下我们几个“伤员”垂头丧气的拿着彩纸不知所措。 有几个同学跑过来帮助我们,可还是不成功。时间无情地过去了,我望着桌子上的一堆废纸和两只不成形的蝴蝶,十分懊恼。但不管怎样,只要你去思考过了,做过了,不管折成功了还是失败了,你就是成功的。想到这里,我又开心起来。
Last Saturday, I went to the zoo and parents. That morning, the weather was fine. We decided to go by bike, environmentally friendly and convenient. To the zoo, originally planned with the animals according to a like, a lot of zoo visitors, not the camera. In the afternoon it began to rain, the animals are sleeping. No umbrella, feeling tired and hungry. So we will return home.
成功是努力的结晶,但当我们站在成功的领奖台上回首这条努力的路时,不得不说一声:“失败,谢谢你!” 在失败中,我们汲取了经验。一个人的一生,免不了坎坷辛苦。但他是怎样卖过来的呢?是用经验,用过去积累的经验,用拿失败换取的经验。有了经验,至少在下一次失败中不在茫茫然了。当然,这个人首先要学会怎样“汲取经验”。就拿身边不能在平凡的小事说吧:做数学题时,这一次难住了,弄懂,下一次,不就会了吗?这就因为我们从“难住了”的哪次失败中得到了经验,也就是解题的方法。再说生活中――做饭,这一次盐放多了,咸了,下一次少放点儿;着一次盐放少了,淡了,下次多放点儿。只有在不断的尝试――失败,再尝试――再失败……中,得到经验,从而成功,烧出一手好菜。
失败,也能让我们得到教训。就说我亲身经历过的一件小事吧。四年级上学期时,因为我贪玩,成绩下滑,期末考试也很不理想。我得到了教训――不能贪玩了!然后,便紧遵这个教训努力,果然考了个满意的成绩。你能说我的成功不归功于这个“失败的教训”吗?失败,并不难,不过,要在失败中得到教训并紧遵它,不要违背它,就不容易了。你能做到,成功便不远了。 胜者为王,败者为寇。我并不否认这个说法。但如果败能让“寇”奋发图强,“败”又何尝不是一件好事呢?在失败下,我们不服用努力证明自己,从而成功。相反,“胜”更容易让“王”骄傲。不过,要想超过胜者,你首先得有一颗不服的心。 在成功面前,失败的次数不定。可能是一次两次,也可能是几十次,甚至成百上千次。
谁都不知道下一次成败与否。这样说来,失败难道不是个磨练意志的机会吗?倒了,站起来;再倒,再站起来……在不断的跌倒站起中,我们渐渐具备了毅力,谁能说有毅力是坏事? 这一次的失败为的是下一次的成功! 回首这条艰难的路,真的,失败,谢谢你! Success is the effort, but when we stand on the podium on the success of the hard way back when, had to say:"failure, thank you!" In the defeat, we learn the experience. A person's life, avoid rough. But he is how to sell it? With experience, withthe past experience, for with the experience of failure. With experience, at least in the next failure is not in thesea. Of course, the first people to learn how to learn "". Take me not in the ordinary things to say: when doing math problems, this time stumped, understand, next time, don't it? This is because we get experience from "whichfailed stumped", also is the problem solving. Besides life -- cooking, this time more salt, salty, next add less salt; alittle, pale, next time you put something. Only to fail in the attempt -- constantly, try -- to fail again...... , gain experience, thus successfully, burning a good food. Failure, also can make us a lesson. He said a little thing I experienced. The fourth grade last semester, because I wanted to have fun, grades slipped, the final exam is not ideal. I've learned -- not fun! Then, we follow the lessonto, and get a satisfactory result. You can say that my success is not attributed to the "failure"? Failure, is not difficult, however, to learn and follow it in the defeat, not against it, is not easy. You can do it, success is not far away. Winner, is the loser. I do not deny this claim. But if the failure to make efforts "Kou", "failure" is not a good thing?In the failure, we don't take to prove themselves, thus successfully. On the contrary, "wins" make it easier for the"King". However, to be more than a winner, you must first have a disaffected heart. In the face of success, failure of an indefinite number of times. Could be a two time, may also be dozens, even hundreds of times. Who do not know the next success. Thus, failure is not an hone opportunity? Down, stand upand down, stand up again...... In the continuous falling up, we gradually have the perseverance, who can say thatperseverance is a bad thing? This time the failure is a success! Looking back on the hard way, really, failure, thank you!
我所经历的艰辛和失败杨澜:我所经历的艰辛和失败 我的生活如人饮水,冷暖自知,没有完美。有的人说杨澜你一直很顺利,我都只是无奈地一笑。我没有办法跟每个人去解释我的艰辛和失败。从2000年到2005年,...
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