

10月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮忙全部翻译成被动句用英文]Community health service system is based on health records as the core, to the community as the unit of the database storage and management, through the establi...+阅读

Gong Xian is the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty painting is one of the outstanding representatives of Nanjing. In two alternate, live in troubled times Gong Xian said" the smell of good painting said: people born between heaven and earth, the way to, one reading times. The tour name, make Yin Hao and elders, all essential." High literary accomplishment and character make it weak all secular, in painting and poetry have high achievement, has become an example for people to copy.


专业翻译成英语In recent years, the latest bio-organic chemistry achievement - the successful development of catalytic antibodies. The vigorous development momentum in the asc...

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