[求两个人商务英语谈判对话]in this conversation, rocky simons is the owner of a small company that manufactures recreational speedboats.he is having a telephone conversation with jacques...+阅读
(一)商务谈判背景调查 1.商务谈判背景调查的内容
(3)对市场调查。 2.背景调查手段 (I)背景调查的信息渠道及方法。渠道,如印刷媒体、电脑网络、电波媒介、统计资料、各种会议、各种专门机构、知情人士等等。 方法,如访谈法、问卷法、文献法、电子媒体收集法、观察法等等。
(一)谈判组织构成原则 1.知识互补 知识互补包含两层意思:一是谈判人员各自具备自己专长的知识,二是谈判人员书本知识与工作经验的知识互补。
2.性格协调 3.分工明确
(二)谈判组织人员构成及优化 1.谈判人员的素质要求
(4)有良好的心理素质和充沛的精力。 2.谈判人员配备
(3)必需的工作人员。 以上是我对于这个问题的回答,希望能够帮到大家。
商务三人英语谈判对话关于取消旅行提出建议人物:alex sujan,julia abdu,cara lee. alex 买家,julia 是供应商manager,cara是manager assistant. 地址:in supplier's meeting office 供应商会议室 J:very nice to meet yo...
商务英语谈判求翻译!A:Hello, I am the company r&d department supervisor AAA B:Hello hello, I'm marketing manager BBB, please advanced to sit on A:thanks B:Is there anything A:So, w...
商务谈判英语论文怎么写啊只找到篇文摘,你看看有没有用吧 Cultural Conflict between China and Western Countries and Our Policy in Inter-cultural Business Negotiation Abstract Nowadays the c...
英文版的商务谈判文章商务谈判意识:(这可是我一个字一个字写上去的啊,网上可没有哦!!~~~~) Negotiation awareness All products and services have prices. Price comparisons can be difficult to ma...
跪求国际商务谈判英文摘要Negotiators from different cultures have different communication mode, values and thinking mode, this would mean that in international business negotiations to...
边个网有商务谈判的英语论文啊Cultural Conflict between China and Western Countries and Our Policy in Inter-cultural Business Negotiation Abstract Nowadays the cooperation and relationship b...
商务英语谈判求翻译A:Hello, I am the company r&d department supervisor AAA B:Hello hello, I'm marketing manager BBB, please advanced to sit on A:thanks B:Is there anything A:So, w...
谈判前要做好哪些必要的准备工作在初次商务谈判活动中,必须深人了解对方。这里所说的商务谈判,不是指一般的商业零售活动,而是指商务活动中的批发商与销售商、 商场、商店以及商业公司与生产企业或公司间的买...