[请求帮写一篇英语商务邀请信]英语邀请信 Dear sir/madam ORGANIZATION would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on TOPIC. As you may be aware the mission...+阅读
My Dear teacher:
偶系高一某班的English—科代表(之一),我叫某某某~ 介次给老师你写这个东西是为了邀请你来给我们班啲童鞋们上一节口语课~不知道老师你愿不愿意捏~(讨厌~就答应人家嘛%>-<;%~)好不好,好不好,上一节课嘛,人家会很感激你的啦~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦~~~~~~我们班成绩不错的哇!可是一到午读就不整齐~但是我们的上课气氛很不错的哇!很有活力,很有激情的哇!我相信你会爱上帮我们上课的~~~介系真的哇((⊙o⊙)!!!你表不相信我们哇!不是我夸大的哟~如果老师你愿意的话,就请在 来我们班来给我们上课啦~我们很期待的说~你快过来吧!YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
请问英文的商务邀请函怎么写急!Date: July 12, 2006 Invitation Letter We hereby invite you to visit our supermarket on the respects of ground and business ground in construction, also we will...
谁能给一个英文商务邀请函范本五种常见的邀请信之一 Dear sir/madam: I'm delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, you'll be...
急求英文商务邀请函Dear Sir (or Mr. XXX), Being specialized in the trade of cloths and relative goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. On the basis of equali...
急需一封英语邀请信:作为秘书邀请生意伙伴在星期二在世纪酒店出席Dear XX: I am pleased to be able to invite you to the launch of business conference ,hold by The Orient Trade Company.The conference will be taking place at 9:3...
怎样要求日本公司发英文商务邀请函范文Dear Mr/Mrs xxx Sorry for the late reply, I have looked at the information given by your company. my partner and i are interested in your products and we may pl...
英语商务函电的邀请函Dear XX, You are kindly invited to the diner at Sichuan Restaurant at 19:00, the 10th of December, 2012 for the celebration of the founding of Xihua Import and...
正式英文商务邀请函to someone who may concern Invitation letter Dear Sirs, Here with, we xxx Company would like to invite the following persons of association "被邀请公司名称" to vi...