

01月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样护理鼻饲病人怎幺喂食物才营养均衡]鼻饲病人的饮食护理鼻饲病人的饮食护理鼻饲病人的饮食护理鼻饲病人的饮食护理 球麻痹,又称延髓麻痹,是指由延脑或大脑等病变引起的吞咽困难,饮水反呛,发音障碍为主症的一组病症...+阅读

护理程序是以促进和恢复病人的健康为目标所进行的一系列有目的、有计划的护理活动,是一个综合的、动态的、具有决策和反馈功能的过程,对护理对象进行主动、全面的整体护理,使其达到最佳健康状态。它是一种系统地解决问题的方法,是护士为服务对象提供护理服务时所应用的工作程序。 执行护理程序需要运用许多的理论,主要有:一般系统论、基本需要层次论、沟通理论、压力与适应理论、Roy的适应模式及0rem的自理模式等。

其中一般系统论是护理程序的结构框架。为估计病人健康状况、预见病人的需要提供理论依据。信息交流论提供了护士与病人的交流能力和技巧的知识,从而确保护理程序的运行。解决问题论为确定病人健康问题,寻求解决问题的方法及评价效果提供了帮助。 考试大网站整理 在护理程序中,输人的信息是病人的基本健康状况及对疾病的反应;输出的信息是病人在护理活动中发生改变的新健康状况;在评价中将这种新的健康状况与预定目标进行比较,所得的新资料即是反馈和再输入。

The nursing procedure is by promotes and recovers patient's health a series to have the goal which carries on for the goal, to have plan nursing, is one comprehensive, dynamic, has policy-making and the feedback function process, carries on initiative, comprehensive whole nursing to the nursing object, enables it to achieve the best healthy condition. It is one kind solves the question method systematically, the working routine which for the target client is nurse provides when nurse service applies. the execution nursing procedure needs to utilize many theories, including: The general systems theory, the primary need level discuss, the communication theory, the pressure and the adaptation theory, the Roy adaptation pattern and 0rem take care of oneself the pattern and so on. the general systems theory is nurses the procedure the structural framing. In order to estimate that the patient state of health, foresees the patient to need to provide the theory basis. The communication discussed has provided nurse and patient's exchange ability and the skill knowledge, thus guaranteed the nursing procedure the movement. Solves the problem to discuss to determine that the patient healthy question, sought solves the question method and the appraisal effect has provided the help. Takes a test the big website to reorganize in the nursing procedure, loses person's information is patient's basic state of health and to disease's response; The output information is the patient has the change new state of health in nursing; Carries on the appraisal this kind of new state of health and the predetermined target the comparison, the obtained new material is the feedback and inputs again.


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