[英语作文理想工作]My Ideal Work I want to set up a flower shop. It's my ideal work. I think flower is the most beautiful gifts given by nature. And flower is a good way to expres...+阅读
to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the school庆祝学校建立50周年50th anniversary of XXschool XX建校50周年我译出来了,你对照吧中国的幸运年,今年普天同庆北京奥运会。今年,我们更迎来了学校建校五十周年的大喜日子。 2008 is China's lucky year, People all around the world will celebrate the Beijing Olympic Games. What is more, we have our school's fiftieth anniversary1958年由王先生建立了XX学校 50年来,学校一直深化教育教学改革为国家培养了一大批人才,为振兴科教与经济,促进社会发展与进步作出了贡献xx school was set up/found by Mr.Wang in 1958. In the past 50 years,our school has been deepening the reform of teaching and has trained a large quantity of talents for the country, and has made contributions to the development and progress of science, education and society在50年的办学过程中,积累了丰富的办学经验,而且学校各项事业也发展的很好 In the past 50 years of teaching cause, we have accumulated rich experiences of teaching and everything has beeen developing smoothly. 我们相信,学校在在未来一定会取得更加优异的成绩,为社会作出更大贡献。 We believe that we will achieve greater success in the future and make more contributions to the society. 我坚信,学校将来一定会灿烂辉煌! I believe that our school will have a bright future!
以my ldeal job为题写一篇80字左右的英语作文My ideal job is doctor.I love this job not only because one of my relatives is a doctor but also because I cherish the value of life. I have seen sick people on...
英语作文我的理想工作What do I want to do when I'm older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a...
用英语描写四季1.A: How is the weather in spring? B: It is warm and aften windy.(windy) 2.A: How is the weather in summer? B: It is hot and aften sunny.(rainy) 3.A: How is the...
用英语造出6个不应该的句子You mustn't stay up so late. You shouldn't eat so much candy. You mustn't watch TV so long. You mustn't drink so much coke. You shouldn't go to school without b...
你不应该看电视的英语你不应该看电视 You shouldn't watch TV 拓展 你不应该看电视直到很晚。 You shouldn't watch TV till late. 你不应该过度看电视。 You shouldn't watch too much TV. 那你...
关于自己性格和外貌改变的初三英语作文带翻译I'd like to talk to you about myself.I'm a outgoing girl,For example, I'm always happy no matter what happens.I'm generous and am ready to help others.Such peop...
英语作文change my characterchange my character 我的职业对我性格和脾气的形成有重要的影响。 My profession had an important influence in the formation of mycharacter and temperame 我不是他喜...
英语 Doherty was a policeman阅读的话: DBABC 完形填空的话: Doherty was a policeman. He liked boiled ( 煮熟的 ) eggs. He often had one for breakfast. One morning in December, he was on duty on t...
2分钟英语小故事Mrs.Mouse was taking her babies for a walk one day when they met a large cat. “Bow-wow!” Shouted Mrs.Mouse and cat turned and ran away. “You see,children,”s...