[我的英语让我崩溃了很需要你们帮助与经验耐心地看用心去回答]展开全部 1.勤奋和持续坚持。英语是需要花很多时间和尽力的一门课,要做好打长久战的准备。 2. 我觉得最主要一点是敢于开口说英语,不要怕犯错误。人人都会犯错,这是在所难免的,...+阅读
shan of Shanxi,Hengshan of Shanxi,Songshan of Henan,Hengshan of Hunan.The word "Yue" is not only famous of high but also cliffs of the magic mountain.The wonderful view of magic need to spend a lot of sweats and hard work could reach a goal.
As I climbed my first mountain,I was troubled by anger,sweat,and pain throughout my body.I almost decided to stop and give up.When I arrived midway,I knew I would be successful and reach the top of the mountain at last.Then I had more climbing.
Huashan is famous of one side is magic view and another side of cliffs,this views is similar with climbing the " Tiger Leaping Gorge"; without nice sports shoes you never think about to climb it.I failed and devaluated its cliffs,those stones along the road of climbing were beaten my traditional Mongolia sole,I almost lie die in a middle of road,the couple of foreign friends already gone with their sports shoes.They use to climbing and their walk like running.I was far away distance as time as flying but I am lucky person,it might be I always help the others in the past.I received a local friend's grace which was followed with white horse beh
这十句英语句子怎么翻译中文呢1.在洛杉矶,广播电台多年来一直发动了听众的忠诚度持续和昂贵的战斗。 2.搜索在机场行李现在在世界上大多数国家的标准做法 3. 在附近的孩子们拿起公园的垃圾每到周末,他们有...
中学生英语日记Dear mother: I miss you very much, Mum. I have left you for four days. Maybe it is really a short time. But I feel it is too long. I found that I couldn't do a...
初中生英语日记Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my count...
中学生英语日记急急急急急急急急急急急急!I got up early in the morning,then I went climbing with two of my classmates.After half an hour we reached the top.The air was fresh and the wind was cool.At 8...
企业消防安全承诺书范文消防安全承诺书 本单位 为进一步加强自身的消防安全管理工作,更好地遵守国家、自治区及柳州市的相关消防法律、法规、规章和防火安全的工作要求,在冬季学校、单位消防安全工作...
小学生怎样写先进事迹材料范文我叫xxx,是x班学生。我时时刻刻注意自己的言行,在德、智、体、美、劳等方面都有突出表现,是同学们的好榜样。 一、刻苦学习,勇攀高峰 在学习中,我不怕困难,不向任何一道难题低头。...
BEC英语高级中级初级有什么区别一、考试时间不同 1、高级:阅读60分钟、写作70分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试16分钟。 2、中级:阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分...
剑桥商务英语 BEC初级有用吗同学,你好 初级相当于中小学水平 你已经过六级了说明有一定能力去挑战中,高级 如果你的六级成绩在80以上(560)一般可以直接报考高级 如果在500以下就先报中级,500-560之间要考虑...
英语专业大学生生涯发展规划论文姓名: 学号: 英语教育专业 职业规划 我们向往着美好的明天,所以一直为着心中的那个梦而奋斗。大学生职业生涯规划,换个角度理解,就是对我们心中的那个蓝图的描绘。之所以我们要为...