

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2017婚礼证婚人祝贺词]婚礼证婚人祝贺词怎么写?今天,小编为大家带来的是2017婚礼证婚人祝贺词,希望对大家有帮助~ 【第1篇】婚礼证婚人祝贺词 各位来宾: 在这春风和煦,百花盛开,气候宜人的美好季节里;...+阅读

1. The wedding ceremony celebration manages the word The respected fellow guests, fellow relatives and friendseverybody afternoon are good! Today is the A.D. *** year * month *date, outstandingly talented natural elegant bearing, quite has theChinese man male character Mr. ** and good-looking dresses up Li to befresh may the person quite have Eastern female gentle virtuous fashiongirl lovable beautiful bride Miss **, the process acquaintance, thedear friend, loves the end to become the family member, as soon asties for hundred years well to gather. Their grave marriagecelebration lies in today a ** * minute, punctually to the ** buildinggrand hold, all guests I hoped you will stretch out the hand to come,for to the sincere applause, will give me to encourage? Officiallystarts at the ceremony... ... 2. The wedding ceremony manages the word Respect fellow guests, fellow relatives and friends: Everybodyis late very good! The day bestows the predestined match, on the highin the clouds the matchmaker has a smile; The flower operates and thepeduncle, green spring new person 踏歌 newlyweds newly married date,when good night beautiful scene. In in today this great happiness day,fellow relatives and friends have sent warm, has sent the friendship,sent has been propitious, has sent the happiest blessing. In this, I*** and its madame's request, to fellow leaders and relatives andfriends in spite of being very busy the presence expresses theheartfelt gratitude and the warm welcome. Under lets the male andfemale lead which I introduces for today: Looked that facialexpression is solemn... ...


幽默搞笑证婚【第1篇】幽默搞笑证婚词 各位来宾、各位朋友: 晚上好!在这春意盎然的夜晚,在xx这个国际大都市,又有一对年轻的“革命工作者”为爱而结合。在这个喜庆时刻,作为新郎的同事,作为这对...


结婚典礼证婚人证词范文一: 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们: 天赐良缘,云端上月老含笑;花开并蒂,绿阳春新人踏歌。 今天是公元2009年5月5日,是***先生和***小姐牵手百年的大喜之日。在这华灯初放、嘉...

证婚人经典证婚【第1篇】证婚人经典证婚词 各位来宾、各位亲朋好友、大家好! 今天,能为这对珠联璧合、佳偶天成的新人证婚,我感到万分欣喜!新郎xxx先生英俊潇洒,忠厚诚实、为人和善;新娘xxx小姐漂亮可...

幽默的证婚人婚礼致辞幽默的证婚人婚礼致辞由管理资料网整理,证婚人是两位新人走入婚礼的见证人,在婚礼上,代表新郎新娘方作出致辞演讲,恭喜新人。 幽默的证婚人婚礼致辞一 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生...


婚礼上主婚人证婚人的致词证婚人致词示例: 新郎、新娘、主婚人、介绍人、各位嘉宾:今天吉日良辰,是XXX(新郎名)和YYY(新娘名)合婚缔结百年欢乐的日子。在这大喜的日子里,我祝福新郎新娘新婚愉快,蜜月美好。夫...

婚礼上怎么发言好?主婚人说啥好?证婚人说啥好?父母说啥好主婚人说啥好? 首先,我要祝福新郎新娘,祝福你们的美满结合。你们从相识、相恋到喜结良缘,经历了人生最美好的时光。你们的爱情是纯洁的、真挚的。千里姻缘,天作之合。在对理想和...

西式婚礼证婚词英语一般牧师要念经文,翻译成E问是: Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body...
