

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


随着我们的交际圈越来越大,不少人在举行婚礼的时候要邀请一些国外的朋友,那么,英文的请柬应该怎么写呢?这是摆在新人面前的一个大问题,下面看小编给你支招。 婚礼请帖用英语怎么写? 如果是新娘方负责婚礼费用。 就称呼 Mr. and Mrs. John Smith (父母的英文名)如果新郎方负责婚礼费用 称呼 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison 如果是夫妻双方共同承担婚礼费用 Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harrison 下面是正文: request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their children Myrtle Marie and Boris Michael on Sunday, the seventeenth of July two thousand and four at three o'clock Sacred Heart Church Mount Holly, New Jersey 英语请帖怎么写? 提供一个范文:Mr. XXX and Mrs. XXX,You are cordially invited to attend XXX (说明活动内容,比如Mary's Birthday Party, 20th Anniversary Cocktail Party,等等), which is to be held at XXX (地点,如Grand Palace Hall) at XX:XX (时间,如14:30)on XXX(日期,如April 30, 2011).RSVP by XXX (日期,如April 15, 2011).SincerelyXXX(发出邀请人的姓名)注意:RSVP是“请予回复”的缩写。金婚是多少年明星婚纱照片欣赏2012流行结婚床上用品结婚礼物送什么好呢结婚纪念日送什么礼物


求几句英文祝福句Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year. 祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 With best wishes for a happy New Year! 祝新年快乐,并致以...

有没有英文贺词Take your passion and make it come true. 发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。 Wish all the best wishes for you. 献上最美好的祝愿。 Wish many good wishes for the holiday...

结婚当天对新人当面说的的祝福语英文谢谢1. Please accept my hearty congratulations upon your marriage.May Peace,Health,Happiness and Bright Future attend both your bride and yourself until the end. 值...

跪求婚礼英文的开场祝福语 !!在这春暧花开、群芳吐艳的日子里,"我"俩永结同好,正所谓天生一对、地生一双!嫁给"我"吧!(* * * *) In this spring dim daylight flower opens in the day which, the beautiful and f...

英文结婚邀请函中文、英语请柬、邀请函的不同和英文请柬的格式: 现代的社会是交际的社会,需要举办或参加各种国际或国内的会议以及宴会等,写邀请信和请柬是一个人必备的素质。今天我们就来介...

求一篇正式的英文婚礼邀请函范文急您好,看到您的问题将要被新提的问题从问题列表中挤出,问题无人回答过期后会被扣分并且悬赏分也将被没收!所以我给你提几条建议: 一,您可以选择在正确的分类下去提问或者到与您问...

英文如何写婚礼邀请函婚礼常用的英文结婚贺词 Happy Wedding! Blessings fill every house! Always be in love! Have a hearty marriage life! May Heaven and Earth bless the couple! Be a ha...

怎么写英文邀请信呢dear professor Jack : all our english teachers who have attended your lectures on British Drama are deeply impressed by your thorough knowledge and profound und...

用英语怎么写婚宴请柬****台启 谨定于公历2012年*月*日(星期*) 农历**月** 举行 新郎:**** 婚宴庆典,诚挚恭请阁下光临, 新娘:**** 婚宴地址: 婚宴席设: (新郎)****(新娘)**** **** Taiwan Kai Is hereby giv...
