[用英语怎么写婚宴请柬?]****台启 谨定于公历2012年*月*日(星期*) 农历**月** 举行 新郎:**** 婚宴庆典,诚挚恭请阁下光临, 新娘:**** 婚宴地址: 婚宴席设: (新郎)****(新娘)**** **** Taiwan Kai Is hereby giv...+阅读
题目:英语教学中学生跨文化交际能力的培养The bringing up of cross-culture communication capability of students in English language educationA language is both the carrier and expression form of a culture. It is also one of the important components of a culture. Language can not be apart from the culture, so the English education can not be apart from the culture education as well, because it is a language education. This article compared the differences between eastern and western cultures, and suggests that it is an effect way to develop the cross-culture communication capability of students by emphasizing the education of different cultures. Key words: 1) culture differences 2) English language education 3) cross-culture communication capability 4) bring up...
急求超市英语交际用语我不知道你是在国内还是国外,若果在国外 结账时第一句礼貌用语 hi how are you 你好 向你问东西在哪里:where is xxx? 礼貌一点的就是:can you tell me where is xxx 如果那个东...
一些用英语写的学校的规章制度Have to do : 1\go to school on time 2\respect all the teachers 3\show kind-heart to all creatures in the ground 4\say "hello" when notice any teacher in front of...
幼儿园英语教师岗位职责去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:何模伟 幼儿园英语教师岗位职责 一、严格遵守《教师行为规范》和幼儿园各项规章制度,依法执教。认真贯彻幼教两种法则,认真学习幼儿教育理论...
你认为进行跨文化交际需要什么样的知识能力和态度一、课堂教学是培养学生的文化意识及跨文化交际能力的主要途径 现行高中英语教材是依据“结构――功能大纲”编写的,每个单元有一个话题及一个交际功能项目。英语教师应充分...
浅谈热议跨文化英语等外语的交际能力改如何培养跨文化交际[intercultural Communication或crosscultural communication]是指本族言语(native language)与非本族言语间的交际,也是指任何在言语或文明背景方面有差别的人们之...
小议跨文化英语等外语的交际能力改如何培养跨文化交际[intercultural Communication或crosscultural communication]是指本族言语(native language)与非本族言语间的交际,也是指任何在言语或文明背景方面有差别的人们之...