

12月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[创业板公开信息]退休宴祝酒词【1】 尊敬的各位老领导,同志们: 岁岁重阳,今又重阳。 今天,我们与各位老领导、老同志欢聚一堂,共庆我国传统节日重阳佳节,感到由衷的高兴。 在此,我代表区委办公室全...+阅读


Dear True Love Seeker,


We must begin with your personal definition of TRUE LOVE. Without that, your search is pointless as the roundabout with no feasible exit for your journey. Dont race to the dictionary, as the definition lies within your own life philosophy and experience.


Our adult happiness lies rooted in the soil of our childhood. Instinctively, we bonded to our mothers for survival and eventually understood the protective potential of our fathers. All can agree that our basis of love stems from these early interactions. Rather than bandy about the countless theories concerning mommy and daddy issues, lets begin with the idea that you he e to terms with your past and are eager to move forward into your own loving relationship.


The best predictor of ones future behior is to look at past behior. By looking at your actions, can you say that youve fallen in love with the most important personyourself? Without arrogance and hubris, do you LOVE the person you he bee?


1. Love yourself


It is impossible to give deep love to another if you dont hold it within yourself. Bitterness cant be hidden for long; its flor will spoil the love youve found and set you back onto the repeat cycle of dead end relationships.


By loving the person you are, you accept your humanity which is made up of inadequacies and acplishments. The pressure is off then! The person you seek will not he the burden of fixing you because youve accepted yourself wholly. Hing that fort allows you to be open and accepting of others, and the exchange of emotions can begin.


2. Set aside your ego


Mutation of oneself to better fit into a relationship is a necessary sacrifice. It certainly does not mean that you he to give up your personal identity, but if the love you seek will be bound in truth, it is a fact that to receive much, one must give much.


Setting aside your ego to explore what is best for the couple versus what is best for the individual will be a daily choice. There is a sweet spot that each couple must find which will give them independence but also a level of healthy co-dependence.


3. Be clear with expectations


You love yourself, you feel you love another, and the couple you he bee has great potential. Did both of you e into the relationship with clear expectations?


If the love is TRUE in the sense that youre seeking, then the discussions of what you hope your duo will evolve into will not be an issue. Love is vulnerability and if two people cannot be open and supportive of each others concerns or expectations, then are you in the kind of love which you seek?


4. Dont make promises


Although that sounds harsh and against what you may believe enpasses true love, the pressure of a promise can cause an ultimate break. Instead, try expressing yourself with INTENTION. Intention adds the truth to love; humans are weakest when weve made ourselves vulnerable. We feed our inner fear when we add the pressure of I promise to love you forever.


Intellectually, we see that love cant be perfect because we are imperfect people. Thus, the rantings of heartbroken lovers are as old as mankind. Instead of the fear that promises are meant to be broken, embrace the concept that you will pay attention to the intention.


5. Check the chemistry


TRUE LOVE is based on chemical reactions. Rather than feel deflated by this fact, celebrate it. The hormonal functions that set off chemistry between two people are miraculous.


Preparing yourself mentally and emotionally by taking care of yourself will help you sort through the love fog after it lifts and you can then enjoy the benefits of a mutually fulfilling relationship. Those who he celebrated countless happy anniversaries give mon advicetrue love begins after the initial chemistry has ended. Take the time to learn how your particular chemistry is best kept alive.





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