

01月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[保研夏令营专家的推荐信]以下是保研夏令营专家的推荐信,有需要的教师们可以参考一下! 保研夏令营专家的推荐信(1) 作为**大学**学院一名教授,本人很高兴推荐**同学参加贵所的学术夏令营及之后的推免生...+阅读



Dear Ms.Luo,

Thank you for reading my letter!I am Candy,and my Chinese name is Li Xiaofang,a sophomore from Liberal Arts College.I wish to remend myself to be the student chief inspector of English Festival 2009.

Yesterday,I asked Mia whether you had decided who would be the student chief inspector because I wanted to ask Samuel to send me the proposal and other materials of EF 2007 in advance.

Im afraid I can not get in touch with him after defense.However,I was told that teachers hadnt decided yet and I should wait for the result until the end on May because they had to make the decision with caution.

It occurred to me that I should not be the person who just waits for the result.It is wise for me to send you a letter to remend myself to this position.If I spare no effort to apply for it,no matter what the result is,I will not be regretful.

I think my willingness to accept responsibility qualifies me to arrange some English activities.I he been a staff in EL for nearly two years and the leader of publicity department for more than one year.In 2008,I worked as a volunteer in Cross Country and this year,I also deal with the promotion work for Cross Country.

Last year,I would like to work for EF as a volunteer; however I lost the chance because I hadnt sent my application form quickly enough.Hing learnt from such experience,this time,I would like to try my best to pursue what I want.

I am confident that the knowledge I he gained has prepared me for making contributions to EF.In order to he a good mand of English,I keep improving myself.I plan to spend this summer vocation to develop my capability,especially my English.

If I was given a chance to be the student chief inspector of EF,I will be more willing to be a self-starter,since I know my responsibility of this position.

I sincerely hope to put up for this seat.If I may provide you with any further information in your consideration of me,please feel free to contact me or you can ask Paul about me.

She is my English teacher and I believe he can remember me.Looking forward to hearing from you.Thanks again for your time!

(请大家在错误的地方用数字标出或在后面的括号写上修改意见,如:1.Thanks again for you time(your time).


Dear Ms.Luo,

Thank you for reading my letter!I am Candy,and my Chinese name is Li Xiaofang,a sophomore from Liberal Arts College.I wish to remend myself to be the student chief inspector of English Festival 2009.

(The day before),(when) I asked Mia whether you had decided who would be the student chief inspector (as) I wanted to ask Samuel to send me the proposal and other materials of EF 2007 in advance.

Im afraid I can not get in touch with him after defense.However,I was told that teachers hadnt decided yet and I should wait for the result until the end of May because they had to make the decision with caution.

(Then) it occurred to me that I should not be the person who just waits for the result.It is wise for me to send you a letter to remend myself to this position.If I spare no effort to apply for it,no matter what the result is,I will not be regretful.

I think my willingness to accept responsibility (makes) me (suitable) to arrange some English activities.I he been a staff in EL for nearly two years and the leader of publicity department for more than one year.

In 2008,I worked as a volunteer in Cross Country and this year,I also deal with the promotion work for Cross Country.Last year,I would like to work for EF as a volunteer; however I lost the chance because I had not sent my application form quickly enough.Hing learnt from such experience,this time,I would like to try my best to pursue what I want.

I am confident that the knowledge I he gained has prepared me for making contributions to EF.In order to he a good mand of English,I keep improving myself.I plan to spend this summer vocation to develop my capability,especially my English.

If I was given a chance to be the student chief inspector of EF,I will be more willing to be a self-starter,since I know my responsibility of this position.

I sincerely hope to put up for this seat.If I may provide you with any further information in your consideration of me,please feel free to contact me or you can ask Paul about me.She is my English teacher and I believe he can remember me.Looking forward to hearing from you.Thanks again for your time!





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