[三八节祝酒词]三八节祝酒词【1】 各位美丽的女同胞们、各位来宾: 大家好! 春意盎然枝头闹,在这个生机勃勃的春天,很兴奋大家可以欢聚一堂,共同庆祝这个节日。 在此我谨代表xx公司全体员工向妇...+阅读
hello, greetings from australia. i would like to start by thanking you all for allowing lisa, yan and me to share in this wonderful family celebration. congratulations to did and zi fan for pledging not only their affection for each other but also their trust and respect. we wish them both, every happiness for a long and fruitful life as husband and wife.
先生们,女士们,中午好,我想首先感谢你们让我的太太丽莎,儿子燕以及我本人一起来分享这个盛大的婚礼庆典。 祝贺樊慰先生和资帆小姐今天新婚大喜,这个时刻不仅是他们对双方感情的一份承诺,更是一种彼此间信任和尊重的一份承诺。让我们祝福他们永远快乐,白头到老。
i bring also the best wishes from all of dids work mates in australia. in the short time, he has worked with us did has earned the respect and admiration of everyone in our pany.
he can always be relied upon to give his best effort, support others who need assistance and provide good counsel. these also happen to be characteristics of a good husband.
i had the privilege of meeting dids parents last year on a short visit to china. i was overwhelmed by their generosity and how wele they made me feel in their home. it was wonderful to meet the source of dids strength, intelligence, passion and good nature.
as dids employer, i congratulate and thank his parents for producing such a good man. i feel almost as lucky as zi fan.
我有幸去年来到中国拜访了樊慰的父母。短暂的访问,我深深的感受到了来自这个家庭的热情好客。 同时也让我了解到了只有这样的家庭,才让樊慰拥有了聪明好学,自强自立,慈悲善良的优秀品质。
i he not previously met zi fans parents but i know they must be very proud. their daughter is not only beautiful in presence but also in spirit. during her visit to australia, lisa and i saw how easily did could fall for this young woman.
we saw zi fan as a confident, respectful, caring and supportive woman deserving of dids friendship, trust and love.
他们的女儿不但拥有漂亮的外表, 而且拥有一颗美丽的心灵。
in preparation to attend this wedding celebration, i tried to research the chinese customs for such an event. i learnt that customs vary by region and province. mon among all is the importance of family.
so it is in australia. when did and zi fan return to australia lisa and i will try to represent you, their family and friends.
we will keep a caring eye upon them. in australia, soon after the wedding and unendingly, family ask of the newly weds, when are you going to he a baby? we will constantly remind them, on your behalf, the true gift of marriage is children.
当樊慰和资帆回到澳大利亚后,我们同样会代替今天在坐的家人和朋友,继续关心和照顾他们。 在澳大利亚,新婚燕尔的人总是被问到同样一个问题,你们什么时候准备要小孩?
thank you again for allowing us to share in this celebration.
our toast to mr and mrs did fan is, health, happiness and a long life together.
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