[保研夏令营专家的推荐信]以下是保研夏令营专家的推荐信,有需要的教师们可以参考一下! 保研夏令营专家的推荐信(1) 作为**大学**学院一名教授,本人很高兴推荐**同学参加贵所的学术夏令营及之后的推免生...+阅读
nov. 30, 19xx pratt institute office of graduate admissions 200 willoughby enue brooklyn, ny 11205 to whom it may concern: i he known him since 1996 and he has worked in our lab of xxx at xxx university for 3 years. mr. x is one of the best students in our department, he is both diligent and independent, intelligent and fast-learning. what impressed me most, is his
working attitude and ability. during the years in our lab, he was mainly responsible for the interior design and acoustic model test of xxx theater. as a student majored in architecture, he lacked the skills of such physical experiment at first. but i found that as soon as he was assigned this task, he began to study assiduously for relevant knowledge and read many references. thus he mastered the skill of the experiment in a short time and can even install and debug the whole set of equipment himself. these equipment
included some sophisticated acoustic instruments and data processing programs. in the spring of 1998, his instructor, also his experiment director, had to go to japan for academic event. in the next half year, he finished the whole experiment
independently, including the reverberation time measurement and the pulse response measurement. the result was soon used to direct the interior design of the theater. also should be mentioned is that from the beginning of the experiment, he took part in it enthusiastically and positively. he helped the layout of the model and made more than 400 exquisite model chairs by hand. all these clearly demonstrate that he has the ability of solving problems effectively, working independently and has anized manner in approaching
problems. mr. x is a student eager to learn. in order to acquire more knowledge, he began to study japanese, for many architecture books and journals are published in japan. in one year, he passed the level 3 of the japanese language proficiency test with a high score. recently i heard that he has also got excellent record in gre test.
i believe that he would he no trouble in studying abroad. when he told me he was planning for further research in u.s.a, i encouraged him. his talent and ability would ensure him to do outstanding works. i can state unequivocally that he will be well qualified for graduate studies in your group. i
would appreciate it if you could give him your forable consideration. since
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