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[采购合同中英] 篇一:购销合同(中英文版) 电 子 产 品 购 销 合 同 甲 方(需方) : Armor (buyer) :乙 方(供方) : B (the) : 经甲乙双方协商,就甲方向乙方定购指定品牌电子产品相关事宜约...+阅读



Go to the ant,you sluggard;consider her ways,and be wise.

Which hing no guide,overseer,or ruler,

Provision her meat in the summer,and gather her food in the harvest.

How long wilt you sleep,O sluggard?when wilt you arise out of your sleep?

Yet a little sleep, a little folding of the hands to sleep;

So shall your poverty e as one that trel,and your want as an armed man.







---Bible Proverbs

Life is but a span, I joined in my pany for five years and intricate feelings were full of my heart in these years. I give a presentation of leing that it is a little summarization for me.


It was divided my work into three stages.


I was invited applications for a job as an internationa trade seller and then Mr Chen left pany to study in Harvard University. Full of confidence and zealousness, I want to do some foreign trade. I started to transtlate products into English, to find client on inter, to negotiate with the special import and export pany mangers. And also attend to Guangzhou Fair. However I found reality was much cruel than ideality. Besides if the products will be marketable abroad, I he no any actual experience that I left university just now. I only fumbled to look for customer based clinging hope and book-phrase. For one year I had no any client. I was shocked, and humbled to tears.


Leader also understood it is hard to open the abroad market and let me do inside

job. I did up and doing among the departments and did what they enjoined. Certainly there was something increased my experience. For example, assistant to the general manager established the filiales. I had participated in registration and move of Jiaxing E-sigma and so on. Then I took part in the instauration of Huangshan E-sigma.


Whereas I didnt like this ambulatiory work and I decided to work as a domestic seller. Undergoing strict examination and exeercitation, I started to do business in Henan Province eventually. Full of great ambition I resolved on being a new man over again. In the beginning I studied specialty hardly and to prehend market steadfastly and to look for client actively. I inspirited myself constantly dont give up and I believed everything would turn well when the work grew slowly. But the result was worse. The leader was not satisfied deeply with my work result and I also dared not to face it. I lost the interest to carve out the Henan market. Everyone knows that it is much capability in feed additive in Henan, It was my breach of duty not to open the market. Adversity makes a man wise,not rich. But it is not me.


Five years, pany had gotten through the hardship date as well as me.I set up profound friendship with the pany. Five years of job experience in different positions he offered me opportunities to understand different job aspects. It is know that Huineng is one quit potential apany and it is the leader in feed additive field. Now facing to resignation. I he no idea whereas it is not my thought. For the pany, it might not be the time to establish foreign trade department and I think the pany need a seasoned person in foreign trade.


I feel bit by bit that I am not petent for my work and I cant e into the part and work with all my heart. Marriage and procreation increased my household responsibility. It is difficult to take care my family because of 20-day business outside. You cant he your cake and eat it too. I also often adjusted myself. But I got twice the result with half the effort and I always run into inhibition.


I fell tired deeply now. Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body. A change of work is as good as a rest. Yesterday is dead, fet it; tomorrow does not exist, dont worry; today is here, use it. I dont kill time any more. What is there sadder under the sun than a day that is gone and nothing done.


Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron, I hope that I will engage in foreign trade again though it might spend me lots of cost. With firm strides we are the thickest profit is action immediately. It is unfixed for the pany and me to choose lee. Friends must part. It is a wise choice leing before being fired.


Very quietly I take my lee

As quietly as I came here;

Gently I flick my sleeves

Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away

Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again

By Xu Zhimo



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