[怎样完善农村环境综合整治的相关政策](一)坚持从完善机制入手,着力把清洁工程摆上农村工作的突出位置 1、加强领导,规范各项制度。一是建立挂点帮扶制度。成立了以县长为组长,相关单位负责人为成员的农村清洁工程领导...+阅读
United States Code Annotated Currentness Title 17. Copyrights (Refs & Annos) Chapter 5. Copyright Infringement and Remedies (Refs & Annos) § 501. Infringement of copyright (a) Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner as provided by sections 106 through 122 or of the author as provided in section 106A(a), or who imports copies or phonorecords into the United States in violation of section 602, is an infringer of the copyright or right of the author, as the case may be. For purposes of this chapter (other than section 506), any reference to copyright shall be deemed to include the rights conferred by section 106A(a). As used in this subsection, the term “anyone” includes any State, any instrumentality of a State, and any officer or employee of a State or instrumentality of a State acting in his or her official capacity. Any State, and any such instrumentality, officer, or employee, shall be subject to the provisions of this title in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity. (b) The legal or beneficial owner of an exclusive right under a copyright is entitled, subject to the requirements of section 411, to institute an action for any infringement of that particular right committed while he or she is the owner of it. The court may require such owner to serve written notice of the action with a copy of the complaint upon any person shown, by the records of the Copyright Office or otherwise, to have or claim an interest in the copyright, and shall require that such notice be served upon any person whose interest is likely to be affected by a decision in the case. The court may require the joinder, and shall permit the intervention, of any person having or claiming an interest in the copyright. (c) For any secondary transmission by a cable system that embodies a performance or a display of a work which is actionable as an act of infringement under subsection (c) of section 111, a television broadcast station holding a copyright or other license to transmit or perform the same version of that work shall, for purposes of subsection (b) of this section, be treated as a legal or beneficial owner if such secondary transmission occurs within the local service area of that television station. (d) For any secondary transmission by a cable system that is actionable as an act of infringement pursuant to section 111(c)
(3), the following shall also have standing to sue: (i) the primary transmitter whose transmission has been altered by the cable system; and (ii) any broadcast station within whose local service area the secondary transmission occurs. (e) With respect to any secondary transmission that is made by a satellite carrier of a performance or display of a work embodied in a primary transmission and is actionable as an act of infringement under section 119(a)
(5), a network station holding a copyright or other license to transmit or perform the same version of that work shall, for purposes of subsection (b) of this section, be treated as a legal or beneficial owner if such secondary transmission occurs within the local service area of that station. (f)
(1) With respect to any secondary transmission that is made by a satellite carrier of a performance or display of a work embodied in a primary transmission and is actionable as an act of infringement under section 122, a television broadcast station holding a copyright or other license to transmit or perform the same version of that work shall, for purposes of subsection (b) of this section, be treated as a legal or beneficial owner if such secondary transmission occurs within the local market of that station.
(2) A television broadcast station may file a civil action against any satellite carrier that has refused to carry television broadcast signals, as required under section 122(a)
(2), to enforce that television broadcast station's rights under section 338(a) of the Communications Act of 1934. 那么一大段诘牙聱口,估计连美国人民都看不懂的法律规定背后蕴含了一条很浅显的规则: 身在美国境内,就不要随便去网上下载东西,你都不知道自己触犯了美国联邦刑法,“甚至”面临天价民事赔偿。(天价民事赔偿比触犯美国刑法恐怖一点。)
以后的自考法律本科是不是不能参加司法考试了应同时具备二个条件。第一个条件,就是所谓的学历条件。这里有两个或,也就是说,有三种情况是符合学历条件的,简单说来就是, 1、全日制法本; 2、全日制非法本但是是法律硕士、法学学...
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