

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学校电脑机房的管理制度]为规范机房管理,提高计算机使用效率,保证计算机设备安全和教学工作的正常运转,特制定本制度。 一、机房财产设备管理 1、机房财产设备由学院后勤或教务处集中统一管理,并建账登...+阅读

Room use regulations1, strict implementation of school teaching management practices and relevant rules and regulations. 2, to keep the engine room clean, quiet, non-smoking in the engine room, eating food; non-flammable, explosive, pollution and carrying magnetic items into the room. 3, students are forbidden to carry on board a floppy disk, optical disk, removable disk, so as to prevent the "virus" infection. If there is such unauthorized carriers, in the absence of consequences, and the confiscation of their disc into; if the consequences, as the case is responsible for the losses caused by the perpetrators. 4. The experimental teaching schedule to the specified machine room, non bumban time machine, room management teacher without permission are not allowed to enter the room without permission. 5, students must be in strict accordance with the rules for proper operation, not privately modify software and hardware configuration. For illegal operators, room management teacher should be discouraged, refers to the cross, not to insist on change, the abolition of the class when the second (machine) qualifications; the circumstances are serious, otherwise punished. Where illegal operation or device malfunction causing serious damage to the machine, should identify responsibilities in accordance with relevant provisions of compensation. 6, when students can not publish online, download, spread with anti-communism, pornography and all other inappropriate content. 7, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of class time experiment experiment content is strictly prohibited play games, chat online is strictly prohibited, and do other things unrelated to class; class must shut down the computer before leaving the room. 8, the class, the students (machine), you should obey the teacher's arrangements comply with regulations room, Keep quiet, can not make much noise, can not chase, slapstick, in order to maintain the normal order of computer teaching and experiments. 9, not secretly open the case, plug the network cable, mouse cable, keyboard lines, prohibit indiscriminate motives room a variety of plugs, sockets and other equipment. Any breach of the relevant regulations, the abolition of the class when the second (machine) qualifications; the circumstances are serious, otherwise punished.


中心机房管理制度机房是支持信息系统正常运行的重要场所。为保证机房设备与信息的安全,保障机房有良好的运行环境和工作秩序,特制定本制度。 一、为确保机房安全,根据岗位职责的需要机房值班管...

学校机房管理制度范本1.保护机器,按正常步骤开启、关闭计算机,保证机器的正常使用。 2. 学员在操作机器当中,因使用不当,造成机器损坏将按原价赔偿。 3. 学员应按指定位置练习,不得擅自调整机位。 4....

计算机机房管理制度计算机房属机密重地。为做到严格管理,保证安全,特制订如下制度: 一、机房指定专人负责。负责安全、卫生及总体管理工作。 二、加强机房硬件和软件管理,维护好计算机及辅助设备,做...

2013学校机房管理制度1.保护机器,按正常步骤开启、关闭计算机,保证机器的正常使用。 2. 学员在操作机器当中,因使用不当,造成机器损坏将按原价赔偿。 3. 学员应按指定位置练习,不得擅自调整机位。 4....

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