

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[外贸英文翻译合同条款]III 付款条件 A. 开始生产前预付50%订金, 余款装运前付清 -或由一个有效的可转让的信用证(须符合COCONA INC的信用证指令)支付 B. 所有电汇必须包含COCONA INC的形式发票号码 I...+阅读

25。 赔偿和保险 供应商应负责赔偿和免责购买者和所有者和反对任何索赔、要求、损失、成本和费用或是由于供应商提供的任何属性或设备的损坏或使用或打算使用的任何子供应商在采购订单,无论性能如何损害。 供应商负责,保证免责购买者和所有者免受任何和所有索赔、要求、损失、成本和费用或造成任何人身伤害,包括致命的损伤和疾病,产生的任何受雇于供应商或其子供应商或采购订单,无论在性能方面产生了这样的人身伤害。 此子句引用的目的"要求、损害赔偿、费用及支出'应包括索赔、要求、诉讼、诉讼原因、定居点、负债、罚款、处罚的判决,损失,赔偿费支出的费用、成本和支出,包括但不限于诉讼费、专家费、律师费和支付的款项给第三方。

25. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE Vendor shall be responsible for, indemnity and hold harmless Purchaser and Owner from and against any and claims, demands, damages, costs and expenses arising from or attributable to any damage to the property or equipment provided by Vendor or any sub-vendor for use or intended for use in the performance of the Purchase order regardless of how such damage arises. Vendor shall be responsible for, indemnify and hold harmless Purchaser and Owner from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, costs and expenses arising from or attributable to any personal injury, including fatal injury and disease, to any person employed by Vendor or its sub-vendor arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Purchase order regardless of how such personal injury arises. For the purposes of this clause references to " demands, damages, costs and expenses' shall include claims, demands, suits, causes of action, settlements, liabilities, fines, penalties, judgments, losses, damages charges disbursements overheads, costs and expenses including, without limitation, court costs, experts fees, attorneys fees and amounts paid to third parties.



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