[以去动物园为题写一篇英语作文]Visiting the Zoo Yesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.My parents and I visited the zoo.We went by bus.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got there...+阅读
今天下午,我们全校师生在教室的大屏幕上观看了校园“十佳”歌手大赛,小歌手们的精彩表演,给我们留下了深刻的印象。 唱得最好的是得一等奖的陈诗乐,看!只见一个亭亭玉立的小女孩陈诗乐满带笑容地出场了,她唱的是《妈妈的花背带》。她唱道:“妈妈的花背带哟,是妈妈绣出的心爱;撒满山花花哟,飘起云彩彩……”她唱得真棒!声音像百灵鸟一样,歌声清脆、响亮,婉转、动听,字里行间都洋溢着母爱的温馨,她把同学们都吸引住了,我们陶醉在她那优美欢乐的歌声中…… 让我印象最深刻的是3号选手唱的《卖报歌》,《卖报歌》是30年代大音乐家——聂耳创作的,他唱的时候绘声绘色,很投入。我仿佛回到了旧社会,看见了穷苦孩子的生活情景。我们今天是多么的幸福,要好好珍惜呀! 我最喜欢听的是15号选手表演的《让我们荡起双桨》,她唱得很好听,我们在下面也轻声跟着唱,我们好象也荡起了双桨,小船儿推开了波浪,海面倒映着美丽的白塔,四周环绕着绿树和红墙。 师生的笑声、歌声、欢呼声此起彼伏,教室成了欢乐的海洋。...
求一篇去动物园的英文作文I go to the Xiangjiang Zoo in Panyu.with my family. The zoo is very big and very beautiful , the zoo has a lot of animals , panda,lion,tiger,snake,elephant,fox...
英语作文去动物园Go to the Zoo Today was Sunday. My parents were free, too. I got up at 7'oclock, because my families planed to go to the zoo. After the breakfast, I took the ca...
周末准备去动物园在家上网看电视等英语作文Last Tuesday, I went to the zoo and Sam.8:00, we came to the supermarket to buy bread, ham, beverages. Out of the supermarket, we intend to take a bus. The weat...
去动物园英文作文高一Here is a small zoo.I like the tiger,although they are very ugly,but very imposing.Also has the national treasure panda,they are a little shy,does not dare to l...
校园十佳歌手工作的感想怎么写这有篇类似的范文,凑合着用吧! 校园教师“十佳歌手”比赛随想 几周的梅雨天刚过,天刚放晴,等待几周的校园教师“十佳歌手”比赛就拉开了序幕。这是继校园学生“十佳歌手”比赛之...
前不久学校刚刚举办过校园十佳歌手大赛该活动得到了学校领导The basic quality of a good singer Recently, a competition about the top 10 school singers was held in our school.The competition was supported by the school,an...
校园十佳歌手大赛作文300字经过将近一个月的前期准备工作,浙江外国语学院成人教育学院举办了2011学年的“校园十佳歌手大赛”。 开展本次活动是为了加强我校学生的艺术文化修养,提高学生生活质量,陶冶学...