

01月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语课堂实践总结]实习是一个终生难忘的经历,短短的二周时间,从进入课堂,听课,备课,写教 案,上课到课后总结,深刻体会了当老师的不容易,也体会到了老师的价值感和成就感。在 和学生们接触后,更加深了我...+阅读

Trade terms 商贸条款 In every international trade transaction certain questions must be answered: 在每一个国际贸易交易中,某些问题必须被回答: ---who will arrange and pay for the carriage of the goods from one point to another? 由谁来安排和支付商品由一地到另一地的运送问题? ---who will bear the risk if these operations cannot be carried out? 如果这一操作未能执行,这一风险由谁承担? ---and who will bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods in transit? 同时,货物在运送过程中的风险损失由谁承担? All of these questions are concerned with actually getting the goods from the seller to the buyer. 所有这些问题在实际将货物从卖方送达买方过程中均应考虑。

It is possible to imagine any number of ways of dividing up the costs, risks and responsibilities of the transport of the goods between the two parties. 设想各种各样的方法去降低货物在买卖双方运输过程中的成本、风险、责任是可能实现的。 That is exactly what trade terms do. They are shorthand expressions that set out the rights and obligations of each party when it comes to transporting the goods. 这就是如何操作贸易条款的真谛。

当运输货物开始时,着眼于双方的权利与义务,这些都是行之有效的方法。 Each term means a different division of costs, risks, and responsibilities between the buyer and seller. 每一个条款都意味着买卖双方成本、风险、责任的不同划分。 They range from a situation in which everything is the responsibility of the seller. These trade terms grew up as a result of the requirements of different times and places and trades. 他们设定一种情形:什么事都是卖方责任。

这些条款随不同时间、地点和贸易的具体要求而有所改进。 Because of this somewhat haphazard development, it has not always been clear just what should be covered by these trade terms. 由于某种偶发事件的发展,这些贸易条款应包含哪些确切内容有时还不是很清晰。


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