

02月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[教研室英语教研员中考复习计划]放下偏题难题,脱离“题海战术”。 这时候,就不要再去拼命地做题了。那些难题偏题该放下就放下吧!换句话说,就算中考出现了偏题难题,就算你直接放弃,把其他的题目全部做对了,你依旧...+阅读

Unit 1---2 How do you study for a test? Diana (上)一、语法:1.复习已学过的各种时态。2. 介词之后的动词要加-ing,代词用宾格。3.动名词做主语。A: How do you study for a test?B: I study by working with friends / making flashcards / reading aloud the text book / listening to tapes1. be good at , 在某方面做得好We are all good at playing the piano.2. do well in 在某方面做得好. They all do well in running.3. take pride in 以…..感到骄傲。

He takes pride in winning the champion 4. take part in 参加. He is going to take part in jumping in the sports meeting.5. take an interest in 对……感兴趣 be interested in 对……感兴趣Jimmy takes an interest in improving his spoken English.Martin Murray was not interested in studying and he often got into trouble with the police.6 .how / what about ……. 怎么样 ?A:How do I deal with this problem?B:How about asking the teacher for help?7.worry about 担忧. be serious about 对……是认真的He has been worrying about her leaving.Liu Yu is serious about running.8.complain about 抱怨Teachers complain about teaching tired students.What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ?When we ask about studying grammar……I'm doing a survey about learning English.9.instead of 代替,be afraid of / be terrified of 害怕, be proud of 为感……到骄傲My partner used to be afraid of being alone .Now he is still terrified of being alone .Let's make flashcard instead of listening to the tape. The secrets of becoming a good language learner is doing lots of listening practice.Don't spend too much time playing computer games.Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.15. pay attention to 注意 介词Try to make my mother pay more attention to me . We should pay more attention to watching the development of things.16. give up 放弃 、stay up 熬夜 、 end up 结束Luckily, his mother was patient and didn't give up trying to help him.We get excited about something and then end up ____________ ( speak ) in Chinese.17.Long vocations would give us time to do things like volunteering . 像……一样,介词18.We have nothing against running .



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