

06月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com



The business plan captures the strategic operational and financial aims of the business. State the financing you need, based on your financial forecasts. Include details of any finance provided by the founder or management team and indicate the key risks to the install household appliances business and any mitigating action you can take. In today's highly competitive market you need to think competitively throughout your install household appliances business plan, no matter how strong your concept is and whether you are seasoned entrepreneur or just a new start up, looking to raise finance from venture capitalists. 希望可以帮到你 请无论如何给点分



1、词典: work summary;


This is a summary of the work at that time in school for some content.



我们工作中需要叫的周报告叫做weekly report,需要用投影片来做的报告叫做presentation,意思是给大家讲解相关内容,做一个陈述。


不过presentation一般不在前面加work等词,一般采用presentation of的格式来写。


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