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[商业计划书的基本格式]: : : : : : : 保密须知 本商业计划书属商业机密,所有权属于 。其所涉及的内容和资料只限于投资有限公司的投资者使用。收到本计划书后, 应在7个工作日内予以回复确认立项与否,并遵守...+阅读

business plan

成都.万汇投资管理有限公司 (86)027 87292815

table of contents

executive summary..........................






petitive advantages...................



specific markets..................................

growth strategy....................................

market size and share..........................

targeting new markets.......................


manufacturing plan................................

research & development......................

historical financial data........................

proforma financial data.........................

proforma balance sheet.........................

cost control..................................

effects of loan or investment...............


executive summary

was formed as a in in , by in response to the following market conditions:

opportunities exist in .

the need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.

he several customers who are willing to place large within the next three months.

several other prospective he expressed serious interest in doing business within six months.

previously owned a pany that was active in the widget markets. over the past few years i spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. this plan is a result of that study.

the basic ponents of this plan are:

1. petitive pricing

2. expand the markets

3. increased advertising

4. lower our unit costs,

5. thereby achieving higher profits.

1. sign contracts

2. increased advertising

3. increase office staff


long term

believes very strongly in technical, financial, business and moral excellence. to secure a stable future for all those connected with we he set the following long term goals:

present market is estimated at $xxx. our goal for market share is xx%.

we want to be considered by our peers to be the market leader in sales as evidenced by:

trade industry awards

high end of scale in financial ratios

major market share

technical excellence (awards, honors, etc.)

munity involvement (rotary, united way, etc.)

short term

market share goals -

1. first year xx%

2. second year xx%

3. third year xx%

4. fourth year xx%

costs through acquisition of new plant and equipment. increase productivity by investing in employee training and education.

1. budget for plete puter training for appropriate applications.

2. set up, maintain] employee benefit program for continuing college education.

3. budget for necessary seminars and/or continuing job-specific education.

4. maintain state-of-the-art accounting system for careful tracking.

5. monthly reports on financial status vis-a-vis the industry.

6. aggressive recruitment of the best technical staff in the industry.

7. support pany involvement in various local and national charity events.



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