

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Resume Business Cards 简历信息卡

纽约的一家公司提供这样的服务,他们把简历印在可以折叠的小卡片上。 这样的简历小卡片更加方便你投递,也方便别人保留。


New York-based Nova Graphics created a fold-out business card featuring a mini resume.

Im a fan because its not always appropriate or even fortable to hand someone your resume - youre not about to whip it out when you bump into an old neighbor in the grocery store or while riding the subway - but its never really awkward to offer your card.

These particular ones lee a lasting impression since they feature much more detail than just your name and number.

At Nova Graphics, 100 of these particular cards e with a price: $75 to $300 depending on size and color. The benefit, however, is hing a pro handle the design and printing for you.

Visual CV 可视履历

VisualCV. allows anyone to create a free media-rich online resume, which means lots of bells and whistles and much more information than you could ever fit on a single piece of paper: employment history, education, awards, letters of remendation, writing samples, articles, artwork - whatever is applicable to your background.



Another bonus: Hing a VisualCV shows prospective employers that youre up on the latest technology. Once you create your own, you he a link to share with every contact during your job search. Its also great for building freelance and consulting work. Other sites that provide a similar service arent nearly as robust.

One ceat: Even though I posted my photo, I dont remend that for a job seeker because it can lead (and, sadly, does) to discrimination - even subconsciously - before you even get your foot in the door. VisualCV makes it optional, so lee it out.

Billboards 公告牌

Some people are taking their message to the streets by buying highway billboards.

一些人会购买公路上的布告板,把他们的信息写在上面。康涅狄格州的Pasha Stocking就通过网站hirepasha.购买了这样的一块板子。她想要找一份主管助理的工作,但是到目前为止,她得到的还只是些自己也想找工作的人的信息。

Pasha Stocking in Connecticut spent a few thousand dollars on one, along with a Web site, hirepasha.. She was in search of an executive assistant or marketing position, but so far shes hearing mostly from people who want help with their own job search.


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