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[salary英语表达法]本站总结:salary英语表达法 1. Pay check:工资支票。公司签发的、能够在指定金融机构兑现的支票。 2. Pay stub:工资存根。 存档的收据。用来核算签发的支票金额和应付的相关项...+阅读

quot;What salary do you expect? quot;


quot;How much money are you looking for?quot;


quot;This will be my first job and I lack experience, so I hesitate to suggest a salary.quot;


quot;I don't mind if I start with a low salary because it is my first time to hunt for a job and I lack experience. I'll lee it to you, because I'm not in the position to ask for a certain salary at present.quot; quot;我不太在意薪金低一点, 因为这是我首次找工作,而且我又没有什么工作经验。由您来决定好了, 因为目前我还没有资格来讲一定要多少薪水。quot;

quot;I think we can reach an agreement on the salary if I can be sure that there is a good chance to advance in this pany.quot; quot;如果在这个公司里有利于我的发展的话,薪金问题好解决。quot;

quot;I believe you must he a standard starting salary which should be satisfactory.quot;


quot;I am making RMB2000 a month at my present work. I should expect not lower than RMB3000 a month.quot; “我目前的工作是每月2000元,我希望最低能拿到3000元。”

quot;One good qualified man is better than a score of men. I can handle this work quite easily by myself and you will end up sing money if you pay me RMB4000 a month.quot;



1.I he formed a habit of working under great pressure. 我养成了在巨大压力下工作的习惯。

2.Why do you want to lee your present job / previous job? 为什么你想离开现在的/以前的工作?

3.My reason for leing my present employer is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading. 我离职的理由是: 希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。

4.I do believe that my qualifications and experience perfectly match what you are looking for.


5.I don't mind if I start with a low salary because it is my first time to hunt for a job and I lack experience. I'll lee it to you, because I'm not in the position to ask for a certain salary at present. 我不太在意薪金低一点, 因为这是我首次找工作,而且我又没什么工作经验.由您来决定好了, 因为目前我还没有资格来讲一定要多少薪水。

6.I believe you must he a standard starting salary which should be satisfactory. 我想你们一定有一个标准的起薪,总会应该使一般人满意的。

puter science 计算机科学

knowledge background 知识背景

qualification 资格、条件

experience 经验

involve 包括、潜心于、使陷于

perfectly 极佳地、完美地

position 职位、位置


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