

08月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com





What is your future plan?/What will do after graduation?

What is you plan after you come back to China,for example,find a high salary?

Would you come back after graduation?

What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?

Will you want to immigrate to ...?/Will you want to settle in ...?

After graduation,will you plan to find a job in ...?

Please give me three reasons that you will come back to China.

Can you explain why 90% of Chinese students didn't come back?

In ...,you will earn much more money than in China,then,why do you say you will go back to China?

If a company wants to hire you after graduation,would you come?

What do you think your future position after you study?

And what do you think your future salary?





1.Describe your undergraduate major.

2.What make you decided to study in France?/in XX (学校名)?

3. Can you tell me your (biggest) advantages and disadvantages?

4.Introduce yourself to me.

5. What is your hobby?

6.How do you deal with stress?

7.How do you adapt to the new school? How long can you speak French?

8.What do you know about XXX(研究生专业)?





Traditional question:Tell me about yourself Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What's your plan of studying abroad? Why do you choose our school? Behaviour based questions: (BBQ) Tell me about a weakness you have What is your interest of study? Why should we recruit you? How has your education prepared for the school you are applying to? Do you have questions for me?。


一般来说学校对于国际学生面试都通过 Skype 进行,时间大约半小时。可能不会很难,大约会有以下一些问题:

1.What is your full name? Does your name have any special meaning or significance?

2.What is the name of the country you call home? (Where are you from?). What city or town in that country?

3.How old are you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

4.Why did you decide to study abroad? (Are you part of a study abroad program?)

5Why did you decide to study in the United States?

6.In what year do you expect to graduate? What is your major?

7. what do you think the United States would to be like? Where did you get these ideas?

8.What do you think college life in the United States could be like? Has college life differed from your expectations?

9.What is your native language? Do you speak other languages? What are they?

10.Have you traveled to countries other than the United States? If yes, what countries?



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