

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com


To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is my personal recommendation for Cathy Douglas. Until just recently, I have been Cathy's immediate supervisor for several years. I found her to be consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and a smile.

Besides being a joy to work with, Cathy is a take-charge person who is able to present creative ideas and communicate the benefits. She has successfully developed several marketing plans for our company that have resulted in increased revenue. During her tenure, we saw an increase in profits that exceeded one million dollars. The new revenue was a direct result of the plans implemented by Cathy.

Though she was an asset to our marketing efforts, Cathy was also extraordinarily helpful in other areas of the company. In addition to writing effective training modules for sales representatives, Cathy assumed a leadership role in sales meetings, inspiring and motivating other employees.

I highly recommend Cathy for employment. She is a team player and would make a great asset to any organization.


Sharon Feeney Marketing Manager ABC Productions


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