

03月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇英语国庆作文]National Day Holidays I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's worryi...+阅读


手中的马克杯还残留着余温,我眯着眼睛,微微仰首,面无表情地看着窗外布满阴霾的长空,不发一语。 “要下雨了啊,看来今天去不了了。” 冷不防的声音传来,她依旧紧盯着电脑屏幕,未曾有一丝动作,或许说刚才那话只是她自言自语还实际些。 我应了声“嗯”,没再搭腔。 随即,天空蓦地一声雷响,似乎震动了大地。条件反射地转头,果不其然的看见她按在鼠标上的手顿住,就连脸色也开始变得不自然。我轻叹一口气,瞥一眼阴沉的天空,知道这雷公大爷还有的闹腾,双手一伸,捂住了她的耳朵。 相处了十多年,她还是一如既往的怕打雷,记得八岁那年跟她偷偷溜出去,跑到学校后的那座小山坡上玩,其实算不上好奇,只是觉得偶尔违抗下父母的叮嘱也蛮刺激的。也是那次,我发现了她怕打雷的一面。

我从没想过,在当时年幼的我心中天不怕地不怕的朋友竟也会有脆弱的一面,或许在那时,我才意识到,其实人都是会软弱的。 “你还是这么怕啊……真搞不懂,有什么好怕的。”我嘀咕着,手上的力气却不由得加重了几分。 “我有什么办法嘛,这么多年了我就怕这个,不就跟你只害怕蛇一样吗?再说你就是看到蛇的模样都能吓得乱叫,还说我咧……” 提到那个让我极度反感的字眼,手上不可置否的起了鸡皮疙瘩,我的确很害怕那冰冷的玩意儿,甚至已经有点神经质了。 “雷声是怎么出现的,你物理比我好,难道还不清楚?这是大自然的产物,我想,或许雷声就是大自然表达的方式吧。”我幽幽地说着。 “……或许吧,虽然不怎么好听就对了。”她紧皱的眉毛有些松动。

脑海中那早已不完整的记忆里,还有着那么一段对话,如此清晰,尽管说话的人影早已经模糊,我却依旧知道那两人的身份…… 那棵大榕树下,老人坐在榻上,手中的蒲扇似有似无地晃动着,脚边,坐着不安分的孩子,软软的手指捏着枯黄的落叶扯着,玩着,似乎一片叶子便是一个世界。 老人开了口,有些沙哑的声音或许不是那么好听,但却满满的都是宠爱:“孩子,你有听到什么声音吗?” 孩子抬起头来,好似认真的捂住耳朵,半响,摇摇头,说:“没有啊,奶奶,有什么声音?” 老人笑得更柔和了:“有的,你没听到吗?把眼睛闭起来,用心去听,你就能听到风儿、鸟儿、花儿在说话哦。” 孩子听话的闭上了眼睛,可是,耳边依旧什么都没有,她有些失望地撇着嘴:“没有啊,奶奶,你听得到吗?” 老人的眼中闪烁着,满是老茧的大手揉了揉孩子的短发:“会听到的,总有一天,等你长大了,就会听到的。

” “记得,孩子,大自然是有生命的,就跟人一样,所以她也是会说话的,可是,只有用心的人才能听得到,你想听到吗?” 孩子瞪大了那双眼睛,点头道:“想!” “那就做一个有心的人,用你的心去观察这个世界,倾听大自然的声音,记住,无论何时何地都不能丢弃你的心。” 孩子不是很明白,但却很用力地点了>


Trees help to stop the wind.When there are no trees, the wind blows more strongly over the land. Strong winds can hurt the piants. they can aslo blew away the soil.Heavy rain can aiso carry away the soil. Trees help stop this. When there are no trees, the heavy rain carries a lot of soil into the river.When this happens,the rivers become full ,the land becomes poorer an旦功测嘉爻黄诧萎超联d it becomes harder to grow things.树可以停止风。当没有树的时候,风会吹的更加猛烈。猛烈的风可以伤害植物,也可以吹走泥土。暴雨也可以带走泥土。树可以帮助阻止。当没有树的时候,暴雨会带走很多的泥土到河里面。当发生这种情况,河理会充满泥土,土地会变贫瘠,种东西变的越来越困难。


本文通过叙述听力是学习英语的基础,及其特征的阐述,反映了听力理解的重要性,并举出了影响听力理解的诸多因素,对基础知识不牢固,文化背景不了解,心理状态不佳等加以分析.通过对这些现象的描述,给出了相应的解对策。让学生在听力学习中能够感受到乐趣所在。This paper describes the listening is the foundation of English learning, characteristics and elaboration, reflecting the importance of listening comprehension, and cited the factors affecting listening comprehension, the basic knowledge is not solid, do not understand the cultural background, psychological state of poor analysis. Through the description of these phenomena and give the corresponding solution countermeasures. Let the students in listening learning can feel the fun....



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay com/#menting on the saying “Listening is more important than talking.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of listening. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


As research shows, 70% to 80% of our lifetime is spent on certain kinds of com/#munication, such as writing, speaking and listening. Among these, listening is actually the most important technique.

Then why is it that listening is more important than talking? Firstly, when we make acquaintance of someone, listening helps us understand others better and thus winning friendship. Secondly, knowing the art of listening can facilitate com/#munication and avoid conflict with people on intimate terms, such as our parents and spouse. Last but not least, if we obey the principle of listening in the workplace, we are more likely to do the right thing and avoid detours.

Therefore, it is safe to say that listening from the bottom of our hearts ca


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