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11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


暑假作业古诗翻译怎样偷工减料?嗯,古诗翻译么。 以前试过一个办法,蒙过去了,不过我们老师比较温柔~ 古诗翻译: 1.人名地名(比如XX的府邸就不用这么写了,写成X府就好)照抄、、 2.尽可能的把两个词合成一个词 3.再...

寒假作业上英语翻译?The weather in kunming aged warm. We welcome visitors from all over the world come to visit to suzhou. Nancy last train journey to suzhou. Linda, do not tell an...

求大神翻译航次租船合同这作业真心看不懂求翻译谢啦?本着互惠互利的原则,以下双方经过友好协商,于2002年1月3日达成如下协议: 1.船舶规范: 船名:RICH SPRING;载重吨/载货吨:4030/3750吨;2005年建造;基里巴斯船籍;吃水5.9米;船长87.45米;船...

英语作业电影海报求翻译!?New Year blockbuster "those years together we used phone" brilliant show! This is a domestic first file only to the homemade one's youth record! This is a romanti...

助けて!求翻译日语作业?王さんは世话のお礼として、山田さんに中国酒をあげました。 その后は山田さんが王さんを招待するため、土曜日一绪にカラオケ行きました。 王さんは初めてカラオケへ行った...

寒假作业英语日记带翻译60字急?today is sunday so i go out like usual .i walk slowly and watching the big screen in the maket.i feel hungry and try to buy some snecks to eat while it happened...

八年级语文作业本22课文言文翻译?陋室铭原文: 山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵。斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。苔痕上阶绿,草色入廉青。谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。可以调素琴,阅金经。无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。南阳诸...

外研版高一英语寒假作业作文翻译?Tom was conducted to the principal apartment of a noble suite, and made to sit down--a thing which he was loth to do, since there were elderly men and men of hi...

八年级寒假作业的英语翻译?1.I'd like to,but I can't,I have to go to for my piano lessons. 2.He can"t,he got to study. 3.Cant you stop by and discuss that problem in my house? 4.Last week...

首字母填空并翻译初二寒假作业thanks^o^?1.fill 2.undrstanding 3.caseding 4.empty 5.kind 6.himself有一天,国王在花园里给了两个人一个篮子。他要他们从井里往这个篮子里加满水。当他们开始工作之后,国王走了,并且...
