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03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com


英语的商务信函怎么写?谁有范文?The layout of letters 1.The top part of a business letter 日期:Date: 23 December 2007 地址:Mr. James Green Sales manager BBB PLC 55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG 称谓:D...

英语的商务信函怎么写?谁有范文?The layout of letters 1.The top part of a business letter 日期:Date: 23 December 2007 地址:Mr. James Green Sales manager BBB PLC 55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG 称谓:D...

英语的商务信函要怎么写?谁有范文?The layout of letters 1.The top part of a business letter 日期:Date: 23 December 2007 地址:Mr. James Green Sales manager BBB PLC 55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG 称谓:D...

英语的商务信函怎么写谁有范文?The layout of letters 1.The top part of a business letter 日期:Date: 23 December 2007 地址:Mr. James Green Sales manager BBB PLC 55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG 称谓:D...

商务英语信函英文?范文1:信用证付款写作 Norseman Vehicle Building Ltd. 12 Nobel Street Stockholm, Sweden Dear Sirs: We spoke to your representative, Mr. Bergman, at the internati...

商务英语信函英文?范文1:信用证付款写作 Norseman Vehicle Building Ltd. 12 Nobel Street Stockholm, Sweden Dear Sirs: We spoke to your representative, Mr. Bergman, at the internati...

用英语写一篇告知好消息的商务信函范文?Dear Mr. / Ms, We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 1997 International Fair which will be held from April 29 to May 4 at the above address. F...

谁给我一篇英文邮件的范文不要商务信函就是普通的问候邮件?谁给我一篇英文邮件的范文不要商务信函就是普通问候邮件,一篇英语email范文!dear xx: (亲爱xx) Hello! How are you recently? Being busy of study or work? I have been qu...

商务英语大学生求职信?求职信与普通的信函没有多少区别,又有所不同于普通的信函,也不是那些公事公办公文函。 商务英语大学生求职信范文篇一 尊敬领导: 您好!感谢您在百忙之中抽空审阅我求职信...

商务英语专业简历自我评价?下面是FANWEN51小编为大家整理的商务英语专业简历自我评价范文五篇,希望大家喜欢! 【一】 1、英语基础扎实,有很强外语理解能力和表达能力,具有翻译和处理日常文件信函的能力...
