[国家权力与个人自由命题的若干思考演讲]/ 历史上不同的时期的社会契约论者在解释国家的起源时,首先在理论上基本都作了一种相类似的假设,即人类最初处于一种自然的平等的原始状态,人类出于共同对付自然界及防止人们之...+阅读
Learn to face the failure “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing”, said by Denis Waitley. Life is not as smooth as a peaceful lake. For instance, people may lose in a competition for even though he has made great efforts; or another time, maybe you will lose something because your careless, and it's impossible to regain it. Whatever it may be: not being successful, making mistakes, and so on, it may make us grieve. Then what shall we do? Just sinking in unhappiness? Why not face to it, and learn to smile? I had failed many times in my life, but every time I would stand up and face to it. Because I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed; and the number of times I succeed directly depends on the number of the times I can fail and keep on trying. My seventh Grade final test gave me a deep impression. As usual, we would take three tests each day and the test would last two days. For everyone, it was such a D-day. However, this time our school didn't tell us anything about the test, none of us knew we would have the final test so suddenly. Indeed, nobody review anything at all. Like me, while I was going to school, I was trying to figure out a lie so that my math teacher would not punish me because I didn't do my homework. Until the time our teacher told us we were going to have a test in ten minutes, I began feeling flurried. I wanted to do something. First, I tried to make myself be calm, because I could hear my heart beating in my head, so strong that it made me think my head was shaking. Four minutes thirty one seconds, I tried to read something about math. But I was too anxious to be patient. Of course, when I got my test, I wasn't able to do all of the questions. After two days, when I got my test, sixty eight-two red numbers stood in my eyes like two monsters. Yes, I failed, totally failed. However, I didn't cry, didn't try to make thousands of excuses. This time, I told both my parents and my teacher the truth. Because, I wanted to face it, only solving the problem can make me better. I used to be one of the best middle-distance runners in my class. During my eighth grade field day, I was chosen to join the competition. Honestly, at that time everybody thought I could win, at lease third price. My best friend prepared many snacks for me at home, so that we could have a mini party together. Nevertheless, the truth wasn't as good as what they thought it would be. After the starting gun shot, I rushed at the destination without looking in front of me. All of the sudden, I was stumbled by a big rock. Everybody rushed pass me, none of them left behind me. I could hear my teacher and friends yelling, “Go on”! I tried my best to stand up, I felt like my leg was nearly broken, I thought I ran even slower than walking. I began complaining in my heart. Why God do not stand by my side, support me… I really wanted to ask for stop. So I believed giving up would be the best thing for me at that moment. However at the same time, I could hear another voice coming from my heart, saying to me, “just keep going on, believe yourself, you weren't coddled since child. You win only if you aren't afraid to lose. Hey, hurry up!” When things don't work out the way you had hoped, don't berate yourself: “I'm a failure”. Rather analyses the situation, and believe it is possible to try your best and still have some factors beyond your control. Don't blame others for your failure: be mature enough to take responsibility for yourself. As Winston Churchill told us, “Never, ever, ever give up”! Eventually, I was the fourth one that reached the destination. Although, at that time Top three didn't belong to me, winning isn't everything. From that running competition, I realized that we need the faith to face failure; there is no failure except in no longer trying. There is no defeat except from within, no insurmountable barrier except our own weakness of purpose.
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