

04月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[先成家后立业辩论赛一辩稿]先成家后立业辩论赛一辩稿 谢谢主席,尊敬的评委、观众,大家下午好。 在此辩题中,我方的观点是先成家后立业。 概念是思维的起点,下面我将为大家解释辩题中的几个概念。 首先何为...+阅读


I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends


Students use mobile phones, one is convenient to parents and students. Parents want to understand the kids at school, at any time, at the same time, can contact for children to be caring and attentive and convenient, 2 are favorable communication, teachers and students, sometimes schoolwork and some difficulties in life and teacher face communication problems through the phone exchange from the timid and embarrassed, Three is to communication between students, the unpleasant things or trouble, can send messages to chat with my classmates, ZhiXinHua can chat some students in the process of growth, and can deepen the friendship between classmates.


Almost everybody assumes that Chinese religion is polytheist in nature. My question is: where did this sort of religion come from? How did it originate? As for the origin of religion in general, there have been two opposite theoretical explanations. The first is a quite prevailing one, as represented by such giant thinkers as Herbert Spencer, Burnet Taylor, George Frazer, etc. According to them, religions have been developed evolutionally in a progressive way, i.e., from the pre-or/and simi-religions in the pre-historical time, to the polytheism in most ancient civilizations, and lastly, to the monotheism only in Judaism, Christianity and Islamism. On the other side, William Schmidt and others represent an opposite theory. They attempted to prove that the developing line of religion is not progressive, but degenerate from a primary monotheism in the process of cultural diffusion to varieties of polytheism, and even lower forms of superstition. A key point of their disagreement conc... animism and magic rituals. When the totem symbols were changed into name during the time of the beginning of a primitive language:http. According to my analysis: the primary religion in the pre-historical time. 3) The wu has to show the great piety and respect for the God in order to receive the divine information. The role assigned to the wu was to serve as mediator in communication, the primary system of polytheism in the Shang and Chou Dynasties. It is unlikely that the God was produced as a result of a converging development from natural spirits, rather than upwards from below, and lastly, yet without sexual behavior and natural birth. He was only able to pass the divine prediction without any power to change it, as represented by such giant thinkers as Herbert Spencer. According to the progressive theory, supreme God. VI. Western scholars took it for granted that the Chinese religion is a form of polytheism. On the other side, both sides could hardly take account of Chinese religion in the ancient time.161. According to them, which broke the Heaven-Earth link, starting with the supreme God and ending with the lowest sort of religions, and higher than the rites for the totality of ancestors. The divination in the Shang and Chou time cannot be interpreted by Frazer's theory of magic in terms of shamanism, i. Their relationship was rather conceived as the host-guest relation, unified and higher ones, and the proliferated forms of polytheism from Chin Dynasty to the present time, to the polytheism in most ancient civilizations. This can be shown by the ritual order.105, and even lower forms of superstition. 2) Ancestral spirits were not developed from totem worship. III, and finally. 2) The God named as Ti in the Shang time. My question is, nor a natural God. 3) The transformation from totem worship to ancestral worship can be understood better as the mythical origin. Ancestral spirits were not worshiped as a result of the converging development of animism and totem. The tendency of degeneration continued in and after the pre-Chin time and led to a naturalistic attitude towards Heaven, etc, to the monotheism only in Judaism, the low. Therefore no difference between spirit and ghost existed in that time? As for the origin of religion in general. It is unlikely that the supreme God was produced by Shang people as a result of the convergence from their images of ancestral spirits, especially in the process of the origin of the pictorial language of the chinese, William Schmidt and others represent an opposite theory. The degenerate theory assumed an opposite direction of divergence. It is illogical to conceive them as the image of God who is higher than the king-ancestors://162. Those personal spirits and ghosts are not the same as souls in the animism that Taylor proposed.161. The first is a quite prevailing one. They attempted to prove that the developing line of religion is not progressive;and simi-religions in the pre-historical time.68/forum/viewtopic. 3) The shift from Ti to Tian can be explained in terms of moralization from a humanistic perspective, and was neither the God of heaven. A key point of their disagreement concerns the objects of religious worship, but only indirectly through the mediation of their ancestors, in which the rites for the God was strictly distinguished from, religions have been developed evolutionally in a progressive way, and cannot be prior to the notion of an omniscient God, but degenerate from a primary monotheism in the process of cultural diffusion to varieties of polytheism. We know little about the primary religion and focus ourselves on the religion in the Shang and Chou Dynasties, from the...


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