[中学生英语辩论赛题目大全]TOPICS 1. Advertising plays a negative role in our society 2. The hukou policy is still relevant in China. 3. The cigarette industry brings more advantages than...+阅读
We should allow college students to use mobile phone.
There are several reasons.
First, we can contact with each other easily. Mobiile phones can be carried everywhere. So if we have mobile phones, we can call someone easily. We don't need to go everywhere to search for telephones.
Second, it is cheaper than calling. In addition to calling other easily, we can send text messages to each other, and it is cheaper than calling others. In this way we can save money.
Third, we can know what's happening around the world easily. Now we can surf the Internet on our mobile phones. It is much easier and more convenient. We don't need to carry our laptops. Mobile phones are lighter and easier for us to carry. So we can know what is happening around the world easily.
After Bill Gates, who will lead the industrial revolution?
Watt invented the steam engine and that led to the Industrial Revolution. Nobel invented the solid explosive and boosted the military industry. . Edison brought the human into the electrical era. With the advent of the Information Age, Bill Gates became an industry leader. After Bill Gates, who will lead the industrial revolution? The medical concept of Dr. Nie Wentao, is waking up a new era of natural remedies. The advent of Diabethin™ is a remark. Some professionals have pointed out the technology will change the industry structure. It should be said, he is leading a new industrial revolution.
In such retirement homes, aging people can receive intensive medical care from professional doctors. Besides, they can receive a proper diet prepared by dieticians to meet their individual requirements. This is especially good for those old people in poor health. Moreover, they could have regular medical check-ups so that any disease could be diagnosed in its early stage. What is the most beneficial is that if any disease strikes them, medical services are immediately available.:
Indeed, there are also benefits for children's work and study when nursing homes take over the task of caring for the elderly. Children, free from care, can devote themselves to work or study and achieve more success.
大学生中学生辩论赛辩论题目大全第二场正方:企业用人才为先 第二场反方:企业用人德为先 第三场正方:人和自然可以和谐相处 第三场反方:人和自然不能和谐相处 第四场正方:高校产业化利大于弊 第四场正方:高校产业...
路遇乞丐不应该施舍辩论赛辩词开篇立论谢谢主席 我方此次论点是:路遇乞丐不应该施舍。首先,通过对现代汉语词典的查找 乞丐是以乞讨为生的人的统称 施舍是处于怜悯或积德思想,把财物送给穷人或寺庙 我们知道,社会的主...
英语辩论赛题目TOPICS 1. Advertising plays a negative role in our society 2. The hukou policy is still relevant in China. 3. The cigarette industry brings more advantages than...
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急:辩论赛题目销售不可以作为终身职业首先,你的方法到底是要证明销售不可以作为终身职业,还是要反驳这个论点?请你说清楚. 那我就暂且当成你要证明销售不可以作为终身职业,给你一点论据,是我自己想的,仅供参考: 1:首先作...
辩论小学生是否应该带手机现在是个信息社会,时代在发展。 (手机,象征着时代的进步)现在是个信息社会,时 代在发展,中学生用手机很正常,是一种时代潮流,再过个8年或10年,肯定绝大多数学生拥手机。就像我们当时...
小学生不应该配带手机辩论会老师说:上课不应该带手机 老师授课就不能带手机,为什么学生可以例外呢?最好的办法就是由老师掌管手机,放学时再把手机发还给学生。 小学生上课不应该带手机,因为小学生自制能力差...