

07月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[马云阿里巴巴上市英文演讲稿]以下这篇英文演讲稿是马云在IPO上市路演的演讲稿全文(附中文翻译),由本站演讲稿网站整理提供。 大家好,我是马云,阿里巴巴集团的创始人和董事会主席。 Hello, im Jack Ma, foun...+阅读

English debating petition USES the international parliamentary form, with reference to the 13th CNP cup national English debating petition, concrete process is:

1, the chairman delivered a speech: announced motion and motion related background information; Introduce the players including college, professional, grade and sides of view, etc.; Introduce the judges and the rules of the game.

2, petition phase:

Game is posed of square and the opposition, two players, each player can division of labor, a person as a debate, one as a second argument. 15 minutes before the game the chairman will motion (motion) released to two teams, and determined by the lottery sides, for to be sure about motion, opposition holds negative attitude on motion, the two sides in the debate about 15 minutes before the time to prepare, debate specific process is as follows: 1) square a speech (7 minutes)

- sign hint at the end of the first minute, -- a sign sign at the end of the 6 minutes, 7 minutes at the end of the tip - sign

2) argue against a speech (8 minutes)

-- a sign sign at the end of the first minute, -- a sign sign at the end of the 7 minutes, at the end of the 8 minutes - raising hints

3) square 2 speak (8 minutes)

-- a sign sign at the end of the first minute, -- a sign sign at the end of the 7 minutes, at the end of the 8 minutes - raising hints

4) argue against two speech (8 minutes)

-- a sign sign at the end of the first minute, -- a sign sign at the end of the 7 minutes, at the end of the 8 minutes - raising hints

5) argue against a summary (4 minutes)

- sign hint at the end of the first minute, at the end of the third minute -- a sign up for, at the end of the fourth minute - raising hints

6) square a summary (5 minutes)

- sign hint at the end of the first minute, at the end of the fourth minute - sign hint, at the end of five minutes - raising hints

Note for the game stage:

In touch after the prompt, he 20 seconds to grace period, the speaker must be within this period to finish their speech, if more than grace period, the penalty points. If the speaker speech time is far less than the prescribed time, the jury regarded without unfold own viewpoint fully to the speaker.

In 1-4, before the other party may appeal according to the speaker is argument put forward his own point of view (point of information, referred to as POI)

The race stage questioner POI considerations:

1) the POI to short and to the point, tact. It is strictly prohibited according to the rules of the game and personal questions; 2) to stand up from his seat, POI and hands. The questioner can use similar on that point, Sir/Madam speaker attention;

3) the speaker can take the following ways to respond to the other party put forward POI: language refused (similar to Shanghai), accept questions (similar to ok);

4) if the POIs request to be accepted by the speaker, so POI statements he to clarify the facts or offer ments to form, the express in a sentence or two in 15 seconds; If you were rejected by the speaker so the questioner sat back and prepare the next question;

5) POI can only be raised in the first four link, the last two links cant put forward, in the first four link within the first minute and can not be put forward in the last minutes POI;

6) if the speakers accept POI, should according to questions and their speech to answer the question;

POI, should put forward 7) unless otherwise not speak debater must not turn to stand up when others speak. If the opponent violation questions or disrupt the normal game rules, the player will be announced the foul;

8) evaluate whether the POI put forward proper, should see its effect on both sides of the next debate

9) the speaker in the speech must accept at least two POI, standing up questioners must be at least 4 times indicated the POI. Debater, if it does not he the opportunity to ask POI or in his speech did not accept the POI, the judges can discretionary points;

3, audience member: the audience to sides each ask a question, select a player by both parties. The link at the end of the race, and increase the appreciation of the game, does not affect the result of the match.

4, jury ruling: deliberations by a judge to review, submit to the chairman of the debate match results.



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