Yesterday was yesterday. It won't come back, but I still have today and tomorrow. Today is the very minute and second I have now. Yesterday has already past. We are looking forward to today and tomorrow.
Today is the most important day because today is the foundation of tomorrow and the result of yesterday. What we didn't complete yesterday becomes the root of regret and remorse of today. Tomorrow is great because everything is possible; however, the key to tomorrow is today. What if you can not take good use of today, how can you guarantee that there is a brilliant tomorrow waiting for you?
Yesterday has past. Tomorrow will befall us. The most important thing is every second we own today.
三生教育演讲稿三生教育”的概念是学校德育范畴的概念,其包括“生命教育”、“生活教育”、“生态教育” 。“生命教育”,让每一位教师和学生“珍爱生命,关心自己和家人”;“生活教育”,提倡“...
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