

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com


what is tolerance? it is the consequence of humanity. we are all formed of frailty and error; let us forgive reciprocally each other's folly. that is the first law of nature. when you cut your finger, the life can tolerate you, it can start the patch work immediately, and lets the new cell rejoin one by one in the wounded place; if you have eaten rotten food by mistake, the life can tolerate you, lets you put out food to protect you; if your hand burnt, it can reduce the edema, and increase blood current capacity in other to let along new foods come into the skin, organization and new cell.the tolerance is the key to obtain safety and health. if you want the health and happiness, you must tolerate everybody who hurts you. if you can't first tolerate the others, you can't truly tolerate yourself. refusing to tolerate the others means arrogance and ignorance. no matter what we do, we are always involved with other people, whether we ant to be or not. what we do even alone is affected by other people. from the day we are born, other people touch our lives in almost everything we do.it's not just other people who affect us. we affect them as well. think of that shoes in sports. you may by shoes because you have sports so often. you may buy a back pack to carry clothes and other year. by buying these things, you and other sportsmen help to boost business. you help make jobs for shoes makers, salespeople, and many others. and, if you speak loudly, you may spoil someone else's peace and quiet. if you leave litter, you will spoil the natural beauty of the area. it is true that we all depend on other people and that we all want to be happy and get on with one another in harmony. never the less, things are not always what we wish them to be. we might have some friction with a member of the family or a quarrel with someone in the neighbourhood. we might get cross with classmates or teachers. we might break relations with our close or distant relatives or break ties with our close friends.



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