
学习国际商务的心得 1500字左右英文版

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[神偷奶爸 500词英文影评]Simply because it has been in line to see a variety of small yellow funny image would find this film at. The plot of the story of what's actually quite old, an...+阅读

Using network enlarge Haier advantages, reduce costs and cultivate new economic growth points; Haier will use the system, further optimize the supply-side breakdown. If the Internet, we can accelerate the pace of such optimization. A small screw in the end the world who produce the best? An Internet will soon know. This is not simply lower the price, the key is to find the best side for hours. It is this exchange, in a short time we established two international industrial park, the introduction of international best side for the breakdown of the plant in Qingdao, Haier matching. Haier e-commerce system is still in the building and further perfected, We will take full advantage of Haier's "one, two networks," the advantages of linking users through the Internet, vigorously promote the establishment of CRM system to a fully personalized products and specialty services ear original, the new and potential users and suppliers, buyers, to provide better services. In the era of new economy enterprises to maintain and develop the advantages and accelerate Haier's innovative mechanisms to shorten the process of internationalization. In 1995, our sales of the world's top 500 companies selected standard 1 / 18, 1996 is 1 / 12, 1997 is 1 / 6, 1998 is 1 / 4, Last year, Haier 3.2 billion U.S. dollars in sales has been the standard is based on 1 / 3, the hope is 1 / 2. In fact, we hope in 2006 to enter the world top 500, it now appears, to advance. E-commerce is the accelerator Haier forward.


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