[英文读后感之傲慢与偏见读后感]then man treat great event in ones life with punishing, demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin...+阅读
傲慢与偏见英文观后感 50词!
读《傲慢与偏见》有感 镜子说:“凭理智来领会是个悲剧,凭感情来领会是个悲剧。——题记 镜子有一泓清净的甘露,镜子真实的看透着每一个人。镜子不会说谎。他会聚集阳光的力量,愤怒地:“燃灼”着欺骗者的心灵,却不惜用尽所有的甘露。而当镜子“空”了的时候,就真得什么也没有了。如同是湖泊的干涸,镜子,慢慢地,消失在了,人们的,眼帘之中…… 傲慢,偏见,这两个毋庸质疑的贬义词,让简.奥斯丁的作品成为精致的象征一时之间闻名遐迩,从而傲慢与偏见也成为了脍炙人口的伟大著作。 简.奥斯丁生于一七七五年,卒于一八一七年。其间英国小说正处于青黄不接的是时期。当小说大师先世之后,就接踵而起以范妮.伯尼为代表的感伤派小说和哥特式传奇小说。
虽然风靡,但终究因苍白无力而逐渐退出历史舞台,此后奥斯丁发表了《理智与情感》《傲慢与偏见》《劝导》等六部小说。以其理性的光芒照出了伤感、歌特小说的矫揉造作,从而现实主义小说的高潮开始启蒙。《傲慢与偏见》以男女青年的恋爱婚姻为题材。然而所不同的是,它以男女主角的爱情纠葛为主线,描述了四起姻缘,通过对照与描写,提出了道德行和行为规范的问题。 当我读完这部著作的时候,我为伊丽莎白和达西最终美满的结为伉俪而感到欣慰和满足。是的,是因为他们有傲慢,有偏见,才会有这一切的波折。伊丽莎白是个热情、活泼、却又不乏纯真的乡村少女形象。他不懂得勾心斗角,不懂得如何区分真实或是虚假,因而偏见在她心中产生。达西是一位上流社会的贵族,如此锋芒毕露的显赫地位,怎会使他不在心中拧成一份傲气?是的,他傲慢正因为如此,才让人们忽略了他身材魁伟,眉清目秀,举止高雅,一表人才的形象,任凭他财产再多,人们也只会认为他自高自大,目中无人,不好逢迎一样。
伊丽莎白也只因为对达西的偏见,而使她清新了威克姆对达西人品的贬低之言。 可欣的是,达西与伊丽莎白的矛盾最终融解了。然而,设想,如果达西没有向伊丽莎白示爱意,或是在遭到拒绝和人格的侮辱后没有澄清,并放弃了对真爱的追求,那结果又会是怎样?会是一个悲剧,也许简与宾利执着的感情也会毁于一旦,莉迪娅的轻狂举动会使贝尔特家庭蒙上羞耻的阴影,名声败坏。然而这一切都没有呈现。因为达西用他理性的眼光看到了伊利沙白的纯真,他原谅了她。因为爱她,所以他会不顾祖母凯瑟琳的阻止,毅然选择了她。 这样起伏跌荡的爱情,仅有真挚爱情的滋润,他们是因为有了“爱”才走到一起,简与宾利,达西与伊丽莎白。他们的爱是纯粹的,而夏洛特与柯林斯的爱情则完完全全建立在金钱上。
这两种截然不同的爱情观从那时起延续到至今,渗进了人类进步的历史之中。 我是个主张有真爱的人,因为人的一生如果是为钱而活着,那么试问,活着的意义是什么,难道只是为了拥有无忧的生活保障?当一个人成为了最富有了人,而却得不到精神上的富有,此时,当你离去的时候,余有你空空一人,拂得两袖清风却不到生命的真谛。生命是无比可贵的,紧紧地栓紧它,不能松手。我不曾了解爱情,当我知道它得来不易,它像是坐在海绵里的玻璃花瓶,也许一个侧身,就碎了,也许它永远被海绵围绕,安静的置放在那儿。谁都不知道我的会怎样,但至少,人的精神寄托是无尽与可贵的,爱情是无法用金钱来估价的。我羡慕爸妈永远幸福与甜蜜的爱情,尽管时间会冲淡一切,可在他们的平淡中,始终孕育着一股强大的美,向我冲击,向生命进发。
镜子不是透明的,但镜子会反射无限的能量。镜子不会说谎,当它枯竭的时候,它的心就真正空空如也。那,才是一个真正的悲剧。 勇者拾梦 ——读《傲慢与偏见》有感 我是一口气读完这本书的。合上书的那一刻,我对男主角达西和女主角伊丽莎白在追求各自幸福中所显露出来的执著的勇气敬佩不已。真的难以想像,如果聪明的达西在第一次求婚遭到拒绝后,没有勇气去面对并改正自己的性格缺陷,或者他俩谁都没有勇气去克服财产与门第的悬殊,他们还会幸福吗? 人生之旅中,我们每一个人都是寻梦者。梦是巫山峡壁上缀着的那团闲适的白雾,不知何时来,何时去,去向何方;梦是一条伸向河里的若隐若现的虹,现到最美的时候也是它即将消逝的时候。梦是何等神奇,令人魂牵梦绕!它引无数的追梦者背负着黄河的淤泥,手捧长江的清纯,迈着日月交替的脚步,追赶着问题的音符。
这其间每一段艰辛的历程,无不饱含着奋斗的辛酸,无不需要我们以足够的勇气去面对,去承受,去拼搏。 有人曾经问我,你可曾关注过空气中的那些尘埃?浩大的世界中它们什么也不算,既没有浮到空气顶层的能力,亦缺乏彻底堕入低谷的魄力,他们以一种很不起眼的姿态被夹在世界的中央。然而我要说:他们是有思想的,他们也拥有梦,他们努力争取过,可是最终他们选择了沉默,放弃了与世抗争的机会,放弃了一路的苦楚与灾难,更放弃了成功后收获的幸福。他们缺乏的是勇气,一种超越自我的勇气,一种不懈追求自己幸福的勇气。
Recently, I read through “Pride and Prejudice” which written by a well-known English writer----Jane Austen. Austen was born in the countryside, so she didn't go to any normal schools. But she really read widely instructed by her father who was the local parson. During that period of time, Austen was regarded as the first author to realistically describe the common characters in common life. Her works, to some extent, reflect the comedy in the middle-class of England and also got rid of the fixed tradition in the 18th century by analyzing the personalities of the characters artfully. “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife.” With these lines, a classical novel about the value of the love begins. This writing pictures four marriages in Bennet's family, and the primary one was between Elizabeth and Darcy. Darcy who was a single man of a large fortune fell in love with Elizabeth after only a transitory intercourse. And later on, Darcy proposed to her with regardlessness to the gap of the wealth and class. But Elizabeth unmercifully refused him by misunderstanding his represented extreme pride which was just a reflection of the high-class. After a long-term observation of his behaviors, Elizabeth was finally loyal to her own heart. “Pride and prejudice” was superficially a love comedy. But it actually explained that only by action and introspection can have the hope and the true love; and also the dignity of a person which was as well built up by action and introspection was not inherent. Just as Austen herself said, this novel was sculpted on the two-inch ivory, which exquisitely reflects the conservative life in England of these days. This writing, to some extent, expresses the author's marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position as well; and also it is foolish if you do not consider the above-mentioned factures. So she objected to getting married for money as well as regarding it as something unimportant. She emphasized the importance of the ideal marriage and regarded the true love as its foundation stone. Pride and prejudice were two weaknesses in our humanity which was easily distorted. And in the way of pursuing love, we should not be controlled by these shortages, but to keep our own faiths and feelings. Whether the marriage is a happiness one depended on whether they truly love and know each other. Falling in love at first sight is indeed more romantic than the long-term love. But we can not deny the fact the long-term coexistence will surely bring both of you to a better understanding and a deeper affection. So now, as for us to do is to strive for the hope with correct attitude towards pride and prejudice.
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Does the thought of Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet give you pause? Jane Austen's smartest, toughest and most independent-minded heroine was last portrayed by Jennifer Ehle in the excellent 1995 BBC miniseries, the one that established Colin Firth as the Mr. Darcy to end all Mr. Darcys. There, Lizzie's intelligence was made to carefully hack its way through pin curls and silly Regency frippery like a machete-wielding Amazon explorer. But in Joe Wright's exhilarating new version, the first feature film adaptation of "Pride & Prejudice" in 65 years, Lizzie has been liberated from period fashion victim-hood, scruffed up a little, and let loose on the wily, windy moors. So what if the style seems a touch anachronistic — it's close enough to the spirit and the letter of the novel, and makes up for the differences in energy and fun.In wash-and-dry hair and sacklike brown dresses that highlight clavicles you could slice cake with, Knightley's beauty has been gamely toned down to bring Lizzie to life as a sharp, playful colt with a well-developed sense of the absurd. It would be tempting to call her a modern heroine if modern heroines weren't such vapid saps. Knightley does much better than that: She animates Lizzie's laserlike wit without dampening the righteous frustration from which it springs. Like all great satirists, Austen knew to couch her barbs in humor, and Knightley's vibrant performance eloquently expresses the ignominious, but often funny, position Lizzie and her four sisters have been placed in by fate, gender and circumstance.
傲慢与偏见英文读后感傲慢与偏见英文读后感(一) Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that tim...
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