

06月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Yesterday I watched a movie named with my brother .It is so funny.

It is about a ogre(怪物).He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to rescue a princess so that the King gives back his mire.He,along with a talking donkey,goes through fire and water and finally reaches the tower where the princess is kept.He fights against the dragon(龙) that guards the princess(公主).At last he rescues the princess.After that ,he gives her his first kiss.

This movie tells us,when we are not acceptted by others,at least,we should try to let them know us and don't say die. Things would be OK soon !


The movie describes the emperor penguin's world by humanity's angle of view.In this world, the penguins all are the personifications, father's dignity, mother's gentleness, son lonely and rebel, young people love and sad, adults the common custom and the tradition are conservative, has imitated the human society carefully, therefore, we were looking the movie is very easy to enter the condition, the immersion enters the movie the story, the plot, even sentiment! We unconscious can by small penguin graceful wave all sorts of bitter experiences when every action and every movement reveal the emotion is moved.He cannot sing only to be able exquisitely to dance joyfully, in the advocation song god protection penguin group is the base and low different races, when others when uses the resounding singing sound expression mind, stands in the one side his look is lonely no use to; When he persisted own viewpoint are hostile toward, when by population pursuit, when is going against the cold wind advance, his form is filled with grief and firm; When for beloved girl's safety and happy, he refuses with her to travel together the dangerous journey, the low and deep sound was at that time the helpless sad; When saw the humanity catches fish is intemperately creates the population non-food survival the reason, he exerts the body when jumps down the leap from the cliff to the alien race, that soaring posture unexpectedly is solemn and stirring; When ending, he used his joyful big foot to conquer the humanity, has conquered all penguins, that dance was happy joyful! Some people said the movie the primary intention is positive pursues a goal with determination personally with the protection environment ecological equilibrium, this big subject promotion is accurate, but as it concerns me, truly most moves me, is actually this only small small penguin to unknown world dauntless inquiring about, but also has is the movie in the description penguin and the human these two different rank biology in time the contact and the understanding grief mood.Yes, in penguin's angle of view, humanity's real approaching was the deity which kept aloof, humanity's ability and the actions, were not each penguin all have the courage to shiver are attempting to contact, that fear was stems from to the unknown awe! In the movie lets my impression deepest one is in the zoo, the graceful wave and human vision looking at each other, with the dance exchange, the story narration transforms suddenly from penguin's angle of view to humanity's angle of view, I faint from fear I originally am not suddenly the penguin, I am the humanity! Is not said I fall into the penguin world too to be deep, but is felt suddenly the original humanity also is the penguin equally is likely frail micro inferior, we to unknown fear as before deep profoundly in moral nature. Conceivable, if which one day, does let us with the universe in another kind of more higher life body meet, whether we can have the graceful wave such insistence and the courage, or said, penguin such luck! After all, the movie ending is bright. The unknown world fear is not fearful, but fearful is submits in the fear has not inquired about with the exchange courage!








我们国家已经发出了西部大开发的号召,农村的发展刻不容缓。对乡村人来说,城市是他们的希望,因为贫瘠,城市显得那么高远,只有不懈的努力,获取教育的机缘,才有机会进入那个新世界。当我们安逸舒适地躺在家里的沙发上看《美丽的大脚》中那些因寒伧而起的诙谐画面时,我们是否感到心里涌起的一阵酸痛!?是否想到要为贫困地区的孩子做些事情,支持教育,帮他们改变他们贫瘠的命运,实现他们美丽的梦想,尽一个平凡人应负的社会责任!?献出你的一份爱,让心灵的光环照遍每一个贫穷的角落。赞同3| 评论


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